Nicole Lin
23 NOV. 2023


Nicole Lin
23 NOV. 2023

鐘錶社群是為了什麼而存在?除了在談笑之間,交流鐘錶知識與資訊,還有更多可能性,根基在香港的「The Horology Club」抱持這樣的期許運作著。這個約創立於2年前的鐘錶社群,從最初發起的3個人,到現在近500位錶友成員,它想做的不只是把鐘錶愛好者自在地聚集在一起,最有意思的一點是它積極與品牌合作開發屬於這個俱樂部自己的產品,而這也是THC之所以誕生的起源。



THC是由Johnathan Chan、Carlos Pang、Hebert Tsang這三位朋友攜手創辦,他們居住在香港,從事金融業,都是鐘錶迷。兩三年前,他們一班朋友為了紀念友誼,委由奧地利獨立製錶品牌Habring²製作10只錶,為了在錶背上刻字而出想「The Horology Club」,從來壓根沒想過要辦腕錶社團的他們忽然一個念頭:既然名字都有了,何不就來吧!香港鐘錶社團不多,而且私密封閉,THC想創造不一樣的鐘錶社團文化,歡迎各年齡層、不同經驗水平的人加入。



THC創辦人:Helbert Tsang(左起)、Johnathan Chan與Carlos Pang。










以下可進一步直接從Horoguides總編輯Eric採訪THC創始人之一Johnathan Chan的內容中了解到,THC究竟是一個什麼樣的鐘錶社團,以及它如何透過多元的運作渠道,創造賞玩鐘錶的環境與樂趣。


Horoguides(以下簡稱「HG」):請跟我們聊聊The Horology Club成立的由來。


THC:Around 2 years ago, us 3 together with a close group of friends decided to make a watch to commemorate our friendship. This watch would be our first ever collaboration watch with Habring² - the THC School Piece. At the time, we never intended to start a watch club. But when Habring² asked us what we want to engrave on the caseback, we came up with the name "The Horology Club". As we have already come up with a name, we thought we might as well start organising events for watch collectors in Hong Kong. Most of the collector communities in HK at the time were mainly closed groups that require an extensive vetting process to enter, so we wanted to start an open and inclusive watch community that welcomes collectors of all experience levels and focuses. Watch collecting is intimidating for some as it is, so we wanted to create an environment where collectors can feel safe to connect with each other and share their watches and experiences.


We organised our first event at a cigar bar and publicised it on Instagram. Originally we thought it was only going to be the 3 of us with maybe 1 other friend, but we kept getting messages from people who wanted to join so we had to keep expanding our booking, and eventually ended up with over 20 collectors at our first event. After that our community and events just kept growing quickly, to the extent that some of our events have over 100 collectors attending and now our community consists of close to 500 local collectors and counting. 





大約兩年前,我們三個和一群好友決定製作一只錶來紀念我們的友誼。這只錶會是我們與Habring²合作的首款腕錶——THC School Piece。那時候,我們未有打算創辦一個腕錶俱樂部,但當Habring²問我們想在錶背上刻甚麼時,我們想到了「The Horology Club」這個名字。既然我們已經想好了名字,我們覺得也不妨開始為在香港的腕錶收藏家舉辦活動。當時香港大多數的收藏家社群主要都是私密的團體,需要經過全面審查程序才能進入,因此我們希望建立一個開放且包容的腕錶社群,歡迎各個經驗水平和各種目標的收藏家。腕錶收藏對某些人來說是令人望而卻步的,所以我們希望創造一個環境,讓收藏家可以感覺自在地相互聯繫並分享他們的腕錶和經驗。





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THC:We have a 3-pronged mission statement - "Gather. Educate. Create.", which in itself makes THC different from other watch clubs. "Gather" is our bread and butter as we organise events to connect collectors with one another. We have a variety of events ranging from large-scale GTGs with 100 collectors in the same room, to more intimate private dinners for around 10-20 collectors, and we've even done a go-kart racing night to celebrate chronographs.


"Educate" refers to our efforts in sharing our knowledge on watches and educating fellow collectors through our YouTube channel and events. We believe that nobody can know everything about all watches out there and collectors should be generous with one another in sharing what they have learned, so we just want to do our part and share our own knowledge and experiences through the platform that we have built, and we encourage our members to do the same through the sharing sessions that we organise.


"Create" represents something that we are extremely passionate about and is part of the origin of THC, which is to collaborate with brands that we love to execute our own designs and create interesting pieces for our community. We are very blessed to have been able to work with a number of brands on our own creations and we look forward to sharing more of them with the world in due time, and maybe even make some of them available to collectors outside of our community. 












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HG:選擇Habring²來製作THC School Piece的原因? Habring²的腕錶有哪些特色符合THC的使命或價值觀?未來是否還會有THC 社群的腕錶項目?


THC:In a lot of ways, the Habring² Erwin is the quintessential watch geek's watch in its price range. The deadbeat second function makes the second hand tick like a quartz watch, which renders this quite a stealthy choice. Part of our design ethos is to take inspiration from vintage watches with an injection of modern design cues to achieve a slightly offbeat concoction. In this case, our inspiration is from a particular example of Patek Philippe 570 with applied Breguet numerals, with a sector ring that is aged to a slightly green-ish tint under certain lighting. We wanted to emphasise that aging with a painted olive sector ring. This would have never been seen in a watch from the 30s/40s as green is not a colour that is commonly applied on dials at the time.


The combination of an interesting complication with our own vintage-inspired design is something  that we think watch geeks would appreciate, and it seems like it resonated with at least 10 proud owners of the series. Since then, we have had the pleasure of working with various brands and we have a healthy pipeline of projects for the next few years. We can't wait to tell the world about them so watch this space. 




帶有橄欖綠色軌道環的Habring² THC School Piece,是THC與品牌合作打造的第一只腕錶,具備跳秒功能,外型復古。

從很多方面來說,Habring² Erwin都是同價位手錶中典型的「極客」腕錶。跳秒功能使秒針能像石英錶一樣滴答作響,讓這款錶成為比較低調的選擇。我們的設計理念之一是從古董腕錶中汲取靈感,並注入現代設計的元素,以實現稍為有些另類的融合。在這種情況下,我們特別以PATEK PHILIPPE 570為靈感,該款錶帶有寶璣數字,其軌道環在某些照明下會舊化成微綠的色調,我們想用印製的橄欖綠軌道環來強調這種舊化的效果。這在30或40年代的腕錶中從未見過,因為綠色並非當時在錶盤上常用的顏色。









THC:All 3 of us work in the finance industry, and we have to say that the skill set that is required in our daily jobs is quite different from those that's needed for running THC. It's precisely because we work in the finance that we don't really want to view watches as investments. At the end of the day, watch collecting is a hobby and factoring in financial gain / loss would sometimes taint one's opinion on whether something is collection-worthy.


It might be a bit cliche but we always advise people to buy what they love and if there is any financial gain then that is just the cherry on top and shouldn't be the main consideration. 







HG: THC未來的計劃是甚麼?是否有即將舉辦的活動或合作?


THC:We've explained our mission statement "Gather. Educate. Create." in Q2. We are looking to continue with the development of all 3 pillars of THC over the foreseeable future, and keep on stepping up our events, our content, and our collaboration projects. 









THC:The average THC member would be in their 30s to 40s. However, the range is quite large as our youngest member is in their teens and our eldest member is perhaps in their 70s. We like to promote an open and inclusive environment within THC and we welcome people of all ages and experience levels. So naturally we have attracted a community of collectors with very diverse tastes, which we very much celebrate.


The experience levels of THC members also vary a lot from people who only started in this hobby during COVID to people who have collected for decades. We think this type of environment is great as one will always get to experience watches that they have never come across in person at one of our events. 











THC:With the advent of social media and Instagram, there seems to be a convergence of watch preferences among enthusiasts which is also contributed by celebrities and their watch choices. This is particularly prevalent among novice collectors who haven't had the time to really understand their own tastes, so they may go for something that they perceive to have widespread acceptance. While the internet is great for sharing information and for discovering watches that one may not have seen before, we think it's also important for collectors to discover for themselves what really resonates with them and stay true to their own tastes. 









THC:The fact that the community has grown from the size of around 20 to close to 500 collectors within 2 years has surprised the 3 of us. It has been such a pleasure to see the THC community blossom into this active community of watch enthusiasts. We have a WhatsApp group for our members to keep the discussion going outside of our events, and usually that is one of the most active WhatsApp groups on our phones. It's not surprising to see over 100 unread messages after coming out of a meeting. It is also quite rewarding to see some of our members discover and hone in on their taste due to the exposure that they're getting in THC. One of our members have never collected independent watches before joining THC. They have subsequently discovered independent watchmaking in THC events and is now the proud owner of a collection full of avant-garde indie pieces such as MB&F and Urwerk. In terms of challenges, I think our biggest one is finding the time to manage it all. We all have full time jobs outside of THC and also families, so THC pretty much takes up most of our remaining personal time.






精彩完整內容,敬請閱覽HOROGUIDES Vol.4


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