25 NOV. 2019

懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm

25 NOV. 2019
AUDEMARS PIGUET - ROYAL OAK - 15500ST.OO.1220ST.01 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm






自我介紹:Giving new things a story & old things new life.




How did you get interested in watches?





以前我很少戴錶,或是都戴一些購物附贈的廉價錶。2009年我大學畢業,在21歲生日那天,我的男友(現在的先生)送了我一只 ELLE 的錶。他說:「這沒多少錢,但我希望妳能有一只錶來紀念第一份工作的開始。」











I did not appreciate time pieces.

I did not know the value of watch making.

But that's how most people would've started right? Not knowing.

All of us would have had a turning point or point(s) that shaped the journey and these are mine:


In 2009, I graduated and on my 21st birthday my bf (now husband) gifted me an Elle watch. "It is not much" he said. "But I wanted you to have a watch when you start your first job". This is because I rarely wore watches, and even if I did, I would've worn some cheapy free watch from GWPs or something alike.


In 2012, My husband gifted this Tissot as my first "serious" Swiss watch on my birthday the year I joined General Electric. The process of selecting the watch intrigued me. But what gave a deeper meaning to this hobby is how memories can be tied to an item that could've meant so little on the shelf but so significant when it's on you.


Fast forward to 2014, my mentor opened my eyes to the various aspects of time pieces and that was when I started diving deeper into learning more about the details, the history, the different brands and the different stories each can tell. I had a dream to work within the watch industry. To immerse myself. But back then it was only a dream.



Truth be told, I have not been in this hobby for a long time , and I still have a long way to go. But along the way I have met many people. Most who are kind, helpful and ever willing to teach whom I'd always be grateful for.


And then there are others who would judge you for everything that you do. Ridicule even, for not knowing what they know now. I do not hate them because I know there must be goodness and kindness in them somewhere deep in their hearts. And so; Sometimes I only wonder... have they forgotten.. how they first started?



Everyone who is someone today was once a nobody. :)


AUDEMARS PIGUET - ROYAL OAK - 15500ST.OO.1220ST.01 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm


Q2: 哪一則貼文最能表達妳的風格?

Which of your IG post best represents your style?



我喜歡是風格獨特、沒有瘋狂的價格、且不怎麼受到廣泛歡迎的錶款。當我偶遇這只愛彼皇家橡樹 Championship時,即使它使用的是石英機芯,我卻立刻愛上它的特殊鉭金屬材質。我喜歡實用但雅緻的手錶。


I appreciate unique pieces that are not crazily priced and are usually under appreciated by the masses. For eg; when I stumbled across the Royal Oak Championship I fell in love so quickly with the material it was made of – tantalum even though it had a quartz movement. I love utilitarian but elegant watches.



Q3: 妳覺得,同為愛錶人,女性和男性有何不同?

Have you found any differences between female and male watch lovers?





From what I’ve seen; female watch lovers are branched out into two categories. The first category of female watch lovers are hobbyists who are getting increasingly knowledgeable in regards of movements of timepieces, artistry of watchmaking and historical aptitude of watch maisons which were traditionally educated by male watch lovers. These days female watch lovers are educating themselves. The second category of female watch lovers are those who loves watches mainly for its aesthetics. Is there a big difference between men and women? I’d say no. The only difference is that there’s a lesser quantity of female watch lovers who falls into the first category mentioned.

AUDEMARS PIGUET - ROYAL OAK - 15500ST.OO.1220ST.01 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm


Q4: 對你的工作或生活來說,手錶代表什麼?

What do watches mean to your work and life?




I literally use my timepiece to tell the time because it’s so much more convenient than taking my phone out of my bag. Haha. It also serves its purpose as one of the conversation starters. I’m sure you’d know how it goes when one passionate individual meet another with the same passion. I find that nothing bonds two people together quicker than similar interests.



Q5: 妳最喜愛的錶是哪一只?為什麼?

Which is your favourite watch? Why?



我最喜歡的可能是這只積家的古董錶。幾年前我剛開始探索腕錶,有一天造訪新加坡的古董錶行Heirloom Gallery時,這只錶立刻吸引了的我的注意;它好像在對我說:「哈囉!我一直都在等你。」我沒有任何選擇,只能說:「好吧!我付錢,歡迎你進入我的生活。」哈哈!現在每當我看著這只錶時,美好的回憶就在我腦中出現,特別是 2017年之後的人生經歷。


It would be the vintage LeCoultre. It was only a few years ago where I was just starting out in my exploration of watches where this piece caught my attention immediately as I visited Heirloom Gallery. It was like a “HELLO, I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU” experience. And I had no choice but to say “ok, please take my money and come into my life” Haha.


I have very fond memories when I look at this particular timepiece mainly from the journey I went through in 2017 and the interesting life-events that unfolded after.


AUDEMARS PIGUET - ROYAL OAK - 15500ST.OO.1220ST.01 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm


Q6: 身為一位女性愛錶人,妳對鐘錶品牌和鐘錶業界,有什麼話想說呢?

As a female watch lover, do you want to say something to the brands and the watch industry?





Plenty! But to sum it up I would say that adding jewels, making the time piece smaller and changing the colour of the dial into something which is perceived as “feminine” does not constitute it to be a “ladies’ watch”. Be more creative?



Q7: 除了手錶,你還有其他的愛好嗎?

Do you have other hobbies besides watches?




Yes! I’ve started participating in Pole Fitness last year and I was hooked! It’s a form of fitness that had been grossly misunderstood (I was guilty of that too) but once tried it I had to slap myself mentally for misjudging the sport. It was so tough!!



There’s this negative notion about Pole due to the misinterpretation at entertainment venues/movies but I am pretty sure pole-fit is one of the best form of fitness as it does not only train a specific part. Instead; it targets every single muscle in your body in every class. Apart from that, it stimulates your mental capacity in accomplishing the strenuous moves so you’d get a more holistic fitness regime.


AUDEMARS PIGUET - ROYAL OAK - 15500ST.OO.1220ST.01 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 !你必須follow的 @regina.osm