Eric Hsiao
7 DEC. 2024

改變獨立製錶時代的人物|MB&F創辦人Maximilian Büsser專訪:Hello, Max

Eric Hsiao
7 DEC. 2024
MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 10.PL.BU - 改變獨立製錶時代的人物|MB&F創辦人Maximilian Büsser專訪:Hello, Max

Maximilian Büsser,當今獨立製錶界中,少數能既具個性又能掀起風潮的指標人物之一。創立MB&F後,他不單只是做出了多款設計前衛的錶款,而是徹底改寫了這個產業的玩法。MB&F像是一場設計實驗,用顛覆傳統的理念和敢於突破的創新,讓我們看見製錶的另一種可能性。這次訪談裡,我們聊了聊Max對未來的看法。特別是在談到下一代的製錶新秀時,Max說得很直白:現在的年輕製錶師,擁有我們當年做夢都想不到的資源與自由。他們可以直接與藏家互動,不必再依賴傳統的行銷手段。他們透過社交媒體平台,快速建立了品牌影響力,甚至跳過了許多我們過去必經的漫長過程。






MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 10.PL.BU - 改變獨立製錶時代的人物|MB&F創辦人Maximilian Büsser專訪:Hello, Max



Eric: In our last magazine feature, I asked several collectors about their “holy trinity” of independent watchmaking, and of course, you were one of them. As a successful entrepreneur, I also want to know: Who are the rising stars in the industry?


Max: The rising stars?


Eric: Yes, the rising stars in independent watchmaking.


Eric: 在我們上次的雜誌特輯中,我曾訪問幾位收藏家,詢問他們心目中的「獨立製錶界三巨頭」,毫無疑問,您是其中之一。作為一位成功的創業家,我也十分好奇:在您看來,目前業界有哪些值得我們特別關注的新星呢?


Max: 新星嗎?

Eric: 是的,我指的是獨立製錶界的明日之星。


Max: That’s a tough one. You start giving names, and then people say, “Oh, you didn’t mention me.”


Eric: (Laughs) Yeah, that’s the problem.


Max: (Laughs) Yeah, I’ll give a different answer. The generation you know now― we all created our brands between 1998 and 2005. From Urwerk to FP Journe to De Bethune, we were all part of that moment. It was a resurgence, a moment when a whole new generation of independent creators emerged. Before that, there were none. People would buy old brands and try to revive them. But then came independent creators who created what they believed in without caring what the market wanted, and enormous innovation came from that. We didn’t care if people would like what we did; we just innovated.


Max: 這可不是個簡單的問題啊。一旦開始提名字,沒被提到的人可能就會說:「怎麼沒有提到我呢?」


Eric: (笑)沒錯,您的朋友眾多,所以回答時可得特別謹慎一些。


Max: (笑)是啊,所以我換個方式來回答吧。你現在所熟悉的這一代製錶師,大多是在1998年到2005年間創立品牌的。從Urwerk、F.P. Journe到De Bethune,我們都是那一波復興浪潮中的一員。那是一個獨立創作者紛紛崛起的時期。在此之前,幾乎沒有真正的獨立品牌,大家只是接手老品牌並試圖復甦它們。直到那時才開始出現一批獨立製錶師,他們憑藉自己的信念去創造,不理會市場需求。正是這股精神推動了大量創新。我們當時並不在乎市場是否喜歡我們的作品,而是全心專注於創新本身。



MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 10.PL.BU - 改變獨立製錶時代的人物|MB&F創辦人Maximilian Büsser專訪:Hello, Max

Max: What’s interesting is that the new generation, which has come out over the last two or three years, is very different. They’ve all come out with very classic, simple watches―hour, minute, second, beautifully hand-finished movements. What I love is that they’ve brought the spotlight back to hand-finishing. We were a handful of brands still doing hand-finishing. Everyone else had gone industrial. But this new generation has brought back beautiful interior angles, and that’s amazing. I’m very thankful for them because they’ve put the spotlight on something that matters.


Max: 有趣的是,近兩三年崛起的新一代製錶創作者,他們的風格與我們那一代截然不同。這些新秀大多推出的是經典、 簡約的腕錶設計--只包含時、分、秒顯示,並搭配精美的手工打磨機芯。我非常欣賞他們重新將焦點放在手工打磨上。在我們那個時代,只有極少數品牌仍堅持手工打磨,而大部分品牌都已經走上工業化生產的道路。然而,這新一代又把傳統的精美內倒角打磨技術帶回來,這實在讓人敬佩。我非常感激他們,因為他們讓那些真正重要的工藝細節再次受到重視。

MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 10.PL.BU - 改變獨立製錶時代的人物|MB&F創辦人Maximilian Büsser專訪:Hello, Max

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