24 JUL. 2018

IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@simple_man15

24 JUL. 2018
PATEK PHILIPPE - NAUTILUS - 5711/1A-010 - IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@simple_man15

INSTAGRAM已經逐漸成為許多人發掘餐廳、探索旅遊、以及找尋風格的生活品味指南,對於喜愛手錶的族群來說,也有越來越多的KOL或風格達人可以追蹤。這次邀請到的鐘錶收藏家simple_man15,是個常駐香港、年輕有品味的新加坡仕紳,從他的post可發現他的收藏從超熱門的Rolex daytona, PP nautilus 到AP diver, 獨立製錶的f.p.journe 年曆錶. 樣貌多樣, 兼具主流及獨立製錶品牌, 雖然他謙虛的用simple man帳號, 但他的收藏一點也不簡單。



Followers: 8.4K

| The things that matter most in life are free |



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According to luis6_kch, simple_man15 is a young, handsome and well-educated Singaporean gentleman based in Hong Kong who travels the world.



When did you create your IG account? and why?




I created the account around 2015 or 2016. At first it was primarily just to capture memories (travel, food, lifestyle) but it started to evolve into a watch account as I got more into the hobby and the desire to have more focused content. (First post, 2016.01.01)



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What message would you want to convey through your post?




All kinds of watches can be enjoyed at any level and ultimately even though it is a passion, there is more to life than just watches.



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Please choose the posts that can represent your style.



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What do watches mean to your work or life?




None of my colleagues are really watch nerds but it is always interesting to share my knowledge on the topic and give some advice on what to buy. I prefer classic yet understated pieces for work.


PATEK PHILIPPE - NAUTILUS - 5711/1A-010 - IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@simple_man15


Watches are a passion for me and this hobby has also connected me with many like-minded individuals whom I am thankful to say are good friends now. The closeness of the community is amazing.



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我還共同創辦了Mandarin Watch&Friends這個社團,讓鐘錶同好們可以有一個分享的園地,談論手錶和生活。 我們舉辦了一些和手錶以及生活風格品牌相關的活動,讓會員們可以互動並且獲得新知。


I also co founded Mandarin Watch & Friends which brings together like minded watch enthusiasts to talk about watches and life. We also organize some great events with watch and lifestyle brands to educate and interact with our members.



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What are your criterias in collecting watch?


無論手錶多麼具有收藏價值,都必須以喜歡它做為首要標準。 然而這些日子以來,我發現自己開始傾向想要購買能夠保值的作品,因為我經歷過必須賣掉某些收藏錶款,再去購買某些想要的手錶的掙扎。因此,如果可能的話,我會試著對我的購買更加理性!


The number one criteria is I have to like it, no matter how collectible the watch is. These days however, I find myself veering towards pieces that are generally able to hold their value because I have been through the pain of trying to rejig my collection which sometimes involves letting go of certain pieces to fund others. Therefore I have tried to be a lot more rational with my purchases, if that is even possible!



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Which watch brand is your favourite?


主流品牌的話是百達翡麗、勞力士、朗格、愛彼,獨立製錶品牌則是F.P.、JOURNE、VOUTILAINEN還有RICHARD MILLE。


From the mainstream brands: PATEK PHILIPPE, ROLEX, A. LANGE & SÖHNE, AP. From the independents: F.P. JOURNE, VOUTILAINEN, RICHARD MILLE.


PATEK PHILIPPE - NAUTILUS - 5711/1A-010 - IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@simple_man15


Which is your favourite watch? Why?


目前來說是F.P. Journe的Octa Calendrier,它是很棒的手錶,具備非常實用的五日鍊年曆功能、錶徑38mm,尺寸和比例都十分得宜,是現今大多數產品所缺乏的。


From my current collection it would be my FPJ Octa Calendrier. It is a great conversation piece, very practical since it has the annual calendar complication with five days power reserve. At 38mm, the size and proportions are superb, something which is lacking in most of the modern offerings today.



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In your opinion, what makes “a nice watch”?




A nice watch should first and foremost evoke your emotions and passion. It will differ by individual but the most expensive or best finished watch is not ‘nice’ if you feel nothing for it. That said, I think a nice watch generally should have an attractive dial, great finishing of the movement and case, and good proportions (this is often overlooked).


PATEK PHILIPPE - NAUTILUS - 5711/1A-010 - IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@simple_man15


Would you please share your first watch? Do you still have it?




My very first watch was a Casio that my mum bought for me, I don’t think I have it anymore. For my first serious watch, it was a Tudor but at that time it had some accuracy issues and we sent it back to the AD and replaced it with a Brietling Colt instead. It’s a great watch and I’ve since passed it to my dad who appreciates it more.



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Please share the craziest watch that you have. Which watch would you want to purchase next? Why?


我其實沒有購買過什麼特別瘋狂的手錶,但我擁有最有趣的手錶應該要算是我前面提過的F.P. JOURNE Octa calendrier年曆錶。它的面盤設計不對稱,但整體來說風格非常連貫,Journe本人獨到的設計語彙展露無遺。 至於我下一只想購買的手錶其實有很多,如果能力允許的話,勞力士或百達翡麗的熱門型號,或是一個不錯的獨立品牌都很棒。

I don’t think any of my watches areparticularly crazy but the most interesting piece should be my Octa calendrier. The dial is asymmetrical yet very coherent and Journe’s design language really shines through. There are so many pieces I would love to purchase but resources are scarce. That said, a hot model from Rolex or Patek, else a nice indie brand would be wonderful.



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編按:相當欣賞Kari Voutilainen的simple-man15,在IG上也曾貼出這位製錶大師的作品,展現對這位天才製錶師的喜愛。根據貼文的留言內容,他比較偏愛左邊那只,乍看下有點像女錶,也凸顯出simple-man15在選擇手錶時,忠於自我、不隨波逐流的挑選原則,或許這也算是一種愛錶成癡的瘋狂吧!


If you only get to keep ONE watch in your collection, which one would you keep? Why?




I would keep the ceramic Daytona because it can literally be worn for any occasion (work or casual). The ceramic is great for traveling and helps keep the watch looking like new even after many years because it doesn’t scratch easily. The design of the watch is classic and the fit is the best among all modern rolexes (not too big). The Rolex in-house movement is built like a tank with great accuracy and a long power reserve. Moreover the watch is extremely liquid in any market.



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