9 DEC. 2024

IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的年度最愛

9 DEC. 2024
CARTIER - CRASH - WGCH0006 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的年度最愛

歲末年終,免不了回顧盤點、省思總結;諸如年度排行、年度代表字等,更是蔚為話題。科技時代我們運用數據,理性分析特定主題的增減趨勢;但手腕上的收藏,永遠出自本心,值得感性對待。本期特別企劃【My Watch of the Year! 影響力人物的年度最愛 】(Top Influencers, what is your favorite watch of the year? ) 邀請藏家們介紹今年的最愛收藏,分享他們在腕錶以及人生的旅程,如何以時計銘刻時光。


Alvin Chong

我是一位對時計歷史、 美學與設計充滿熱情的收藏家。




Throughout my decade of being a watch collector, the Cartier Crash is the only watch that I’ve truly considered to be my 'Holy Grail'. When I was fortunate enough to finally receive my Special-Order Crash in November 2023, it has become by far my most-worn watch in 2024, and my love for it only grows with each wear.


在我十年的腕錶收藏生涯中,Cartier Crash是唯一讓我真心視為「終極聖杯」的腕錶。當我有幸在2023年11月收到這款特別訂製的Crash,它立即成為我2024年最常佩戴的腕錶,而隨著每次佩戴,我對它的喜愛也不斷增加。


CARTIER - CRASH - WGCH0006 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的年度最愛

CARTIER Crash 玫瑰金 / 錶徑 38.45x25.5mm / 訂製款

The Crash perfectly exemplifies Cartier as the Watchmaker of Shapes. Despite possessing such a far-left shape compared to most other contemporary watches, the Crash is still immediately distinct as a Cartier wristwatch, from the flowy Roman numerals to the signature blued-steel hands. As such, it highlights the strong design language of Cartier.


Crash腕錶完美體現了Cartier作為「造型 大師」的精髓所在。儘管其外型與當代的大多數腕錶都截然不同,它依然能讓人一眼辨識出Cartier的獨特風格,從優雅飄逸的羅馬數字到標誌性的藍鋼指針,無不彰顯Cartier鮮明的設計語言。


CARTIER - CRASH - WGCH0006 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的年度最愛


The piece also invites intrigue, as I received passing compliments from the watch from strangers and collectors alike. It is undoubtedly a conversation starter and I have forged strong and unforgettable memories with it in 2024. May it continue to accompany me on many more fond memories in the year ahead.





CARTIER - CRASH - WGCH0006 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的年度最愛

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