IG影響力人物:James K.的收藏風格
將腕錶戴上手,展示的不只是一枚配件,同時也展露了一部份的自我,包含個性、品味,以及你對腕錶收藏的看法見解。特別企劃【TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your collecting style? 】以錶會友,邀請43位鐘錶藏家分享他的收藏風格,以及收藏裡最具代表性的錶款。43位藏家的43種答案,都是收藏歷程的真實體會。
My collecting focus leans heavily toward modern watches, and from independent brands in particular. I prefer modern watches for their robustness, and independent brands for their creativity and innovation.
Ming 20.09 Tourbillon 鈦金屬/TSE.M1機芯/飛行陀飛輪裝置
I receive this watch in May 2022 and it’s hardly left my wrist since. It represents everything I enjoy about modern independent brands: a really unique, distinctive design, a personal connection with the people behind the brand, and a watch that makes me smile every time I look down at my wrist.
自從我在2022年5月收到這只Ming 20.09 Tourbillon,它就幾乎再也沒有離開過我的手腕了。這支錶具備一切我喜愛的獨立製錶的特質:獨一無二、出眾的設計、與品牌背後的人的連結,同時是一支每當我低頭看向手腕時,就會令我微笑的錶。