14 DEC. 2024

IG影響力人物:@Meaning_intime 的年度最愛

14 DEC. 2024
JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q389848J - IG影響力人物:@Meaning_intime 的年度最愛

歲末年終,免不了回顧盤點、省思總結;諸如年度排行、年度代表字等,更是蔚為話題。科技時代我們運用數據,理性分析特定主題的增減趨勢;但手腕上的收藏,永遠出自本心,值得感性對待。本期特別企劃【My Watch of the Year! 影響力人物的年度最愛 】(Top Influencers, what is your favorite watch of the year? ) 邀請藏家們介紹今年的最愛收藏,分享他們在腕錶以及人生的旅程,如何以時計銘刻時光。







Earlier this year, five of my close friends and I had the privilege of acquiring this exceptional timepiece from the Jaeger-LeCoultre boutique in Geneva. The journey to securing these watches as a group was a rewarding one, filled with anticipation. What makes this particular Reverso truly meaningful to me is the special request we made along with our order. Though it required patience and persistence, thanks to the outstanding team (you know who you are) at the Geneva boutique, we succeeded in having this unique 'extra' approved. As for what this is, well, you’ll have to meet one of us to find out. Each of these six watches forever represents not only the unforgettable time we spent together in Geneva but also the deep bond of friendship that unites us.




讓這款Reverso意義非凡的,是我們與訂單一同提出的特別要求,雖然這需要耐心和堅持,但在日內瓦專賣店優秀團隊的支持下(你知道我在說你),我們終於獲得 了這項獨特「額外」服務的許可。至於這是怎樣的特別之處,若想知道,就得親自來找我們其中一位揭曉了。 這六只腕錶不僅象徵著我們在日內瓦共度的難忘時光,也代表著我們之間深厚的友情。


JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q389848J - IG影響力人物:@Meaning_intime 的年度最愛

JAEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Tribute Chronograph 不鏽鋼 / 錶徑49.4x29.9mm / 860機芯


The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Tribute Chronograph in steel is a marvel of design. Its stunning grey-blue sunray dial is undoubtedly one of the most exquisite I've encountered. The minimalist design exudes an understated elegance that is as timeless as it is powerful.


Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Tribute Chronograph不鏽鋼版在設計上可謂傑作,其灰藍色太陽紋錶盤是我見過最精美的錶盤之一,簡約的設計低調且優雅,展現出經典且強烈的氣場。


JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q389848J - IG影響力人物:@Meaning_intime 的年度最愛


What sets the Reverso apart is its ability to reveal two distinct faces. In the case of the Reverso Tribute Chronograph, this versatility is showcased in its skeletonized chronograph dial, which features a 30-minute retrograde counter and a beautifully blued seconds hand. This side offers a sportier, more technical appeal, contrasting wonderfully with the refined, sophisticated grey-blue dial on the reverse. It’s like owning two extraordinary timepieces in one.


Reverso腕錶的最大特色在於能夠顯示雙面設計。在Reverso Tribute Chronograph上,其鏤空計時錶盤展現出多種功能,設有30分鐘逆跳計時功能與藍鋼秒針,這一面呈現出運動感與技術感,與另一側灰藍色錶盤的精緻感形成絕妙對比,讓人彷彿在同一只錶上擁有兩只卓越的時計。


JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q389848J - IG影響力人物:@Meaning_intime 的年度最愛

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