6 JUN. 2023


6 JUN. 2023
VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 4200H/222J-B935 - IG影響力人物:Rich最愛的新收藏

在鐘錶社群平台上,NWA這個縮寫指的是:New Watch Alert,新錶通知。之於錶迷藏家,是敬告諸位親朋好友:這是我最新的敗家成果、我有新收藏入手了!HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.3的特別企劃【達人最愛的新收藏】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your favorite NWA?),邀請藏家朋友與我們分享近期入手的新收藏,關於收藏的喜悅,就由同樣身為錶迷的你我一起分享。


Rich / @watchbiao





The new Vacheron Constantin 222 is my favorite watch that I have purchased recently. My wife and I love full yellow gold watches on bracelets, and unfortunately very few brands make watches like that today.


新款VACHERON CONSTANTIN 222是我最近買的錶裡最喜歡的一只,我和我的妻子都喜歡全黃金的鍊帶錶,可惜的是如今很少有品牌製作這樣的錶。


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 4200H/222J-B935 - IG影響力人物:Rich最愛的新收藏

VACHERON CONSTANTIN Historiques 222 18K 3N 黃金 / 錶徑 37mm / 2455/2機芯

When Vacheron reissued this legendary watch in gold last year, we knew immediately we wanted it. The 222 is a perfect size for us to share. It is listed at 37mm, but has very wide shoulders for its case and bracelet, making the watch wear more like 39mm.


The gold alloy Vacheron used for this reissue is interesting as well, being 3N gold. Traditional yellow gold is 2N, while most brands use 5N for their rose gold alloys. Therefore, this modern 222 appears more like a faded yellow gold with rosy undertones under strong light. It appears less like flashy than a typical full yellow gold watch, almost like a vintage gold watch that has developed some patina over decades of time.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN去年重新推出這款傳奇金錶時,我們立刻就想要它。222的完美尺寸讓我們可以分享來戴,它的錶徑為37mm,但錶殼和錶鍊都很寬,讓它戴起來更像是39mm。


VACHERON CONSTANTIN這次復刻所用的合金金質也很有趣,是3N金。傳統的黃金是2N,而大多數品牌的玫瑰金合金 則使用5N。因此,這款現代222在強光下更像是褪了色的黃金,並隱約帶了些玫瑰粉色。它比起典型的全黃金錶顯得不那麼華麗,就像一只經過幾十年而形成了一些patina的古董錶。


The watch has one of the coolest bracelets on the market. The long hexagonal links resemble the belly scales of a python, yet the links flow into each other in such a seamless and smooth way. There is really nothing else in the market that feels similar to the 222 on the wrist.




VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 4200H/222J-B935 - IG影響力人物:Rich最愛的新收藏

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