27 JUN. 2024

IG影響力人物:Robin Wong的Sentimental Watch

27 JUN. 2024
ROLEX - IG影響力人物:Robin Wong的Sentimental Watch

價格是品牌制定,價值則是由自己衡量。此次我們讓腕錶回歸情感聯繫的物件本質,它為何惹你情牽?如何引你心繫?心境流轉、人生歷程,HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.5的特別企劃:【達人最愛的情感代「錶」】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your sentimental watch?)19位鐘錶藏家分享他的sentimental watch,以及背後的心動故事。


Robin Wong





This is a tough selection to make! If I have to choose one, it will be my vintage Rolex Precision. Not my most expensive watch, yet it is the most priceless watch to me.


這是一個艱難的選擇!如果我必須選擇一款錶,那就是我的老勞ROLEX Precision。這不是我最昂貴的錶,但對我來說是最無價的一只錶。


ROLEX - IG影響力人物:Robin Wong的Sentimental Watch

ROLEX Precision 不鏽鋼/日期

This watch belonged to my late dad who passed away when I was 14. My dad was the first person who inspired me to love mechanical watchmaking. I still remember when I was around 10, he wanted to buy me my first watch. It was in the 1980s and digital Casios were hot. In the shop, my dad persuaded me to choose a mechanical Seiko. He took this Rolex Precision he was wearing and winded it, explaining the joy of giving a watch “life” and hearing its “heart beat”. 


He taught me that a mechanical watch has a “soul” and we are connected by giving it “life”. One day when he would be gone, the watch will “live” on with me and my children and their children. After winding he passed me the watch. I head a “tick tock tick tock” and never forgot that lesson since, of “giving my watch life” and handing it to the next generation. I chose the Seiko.


這只錶原本屬於我父親,他在我14歲那年去世。我的父親是第一個引起我對機械製錶的熱愛的人。我還記得大約在我10歲的時候,他想買第一只錶給我,當時是1980年代,CASIO電子錶風靡一時,但在店裡,爸爸勸我選擇SEIKO的機械錶。他拿起自己佩戴的這只ROLEX Precision並為其上鍊,向我解釋為腕錶注入「生命」並聆聽其「心跳」的樂趣。





ROLEX - IG影響力人物:Robin Wong的Sentimental Watch


After his passing, my mom kept his Rolex and passed it to me in my adulthood. We had it serviced and when I first wound it, around 10 years since I last saw this watch, I heard the familiar tick tock. I still fondly remember this same ticking sound from his watch when I held his hand as a young child.


This watch always reminds me of my dad. This is a priceless watch to me and will pass to my son in future.






ROLEX - IG影響力人物:Robin Wong的Sentimental Watch

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