6 DEC. 2022

IG影響力人物:Ron Fu的收藏風格

6 DEC. 2022
MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 07.ZR.OR - IG影響力人物:Ron Fu的收藏風格

將腕錶戴上手,展示的不只是一枚配件,同時也展露了一部份的自我,包含個性、品味,以及你對腕錶收藏的看法見解。特別企劃【TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your collecting style? 】以錶會友,邀請43位鐘錶藏家分享他的收藏風格,以及收藏裡最具代表性的錶款。43位藏家的43種答案,都是收藏歷程的真實體會。


Ron Fu/@horonlogy

我是Ron Fu,出生於印尼,在新加坡長大。目前自己經營創業,擁有兩個孩子。喜歡旅遊、收藏腕錶、健身和攝影(上述並非優先順序)。




I do not particularly have a collecting style when it comes to watches. I enjoy buying from most brands, mainstream or indies.  When I first started collecting, there were only two brands I had in mind: Rolex and Patek Phillipe. Looking at my collection now, I don’t even know what I was thinking back then. I guess I just gravitate to whatever I think would look good on my wrist.




MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 07.ZR.OR - IG影響力人物:Ron Fu的收藏風格

MB&F Legacy Machine Perpetual 鈦金屬/錶徑44mm/三維立體機芯/萬年曆功能

The one watch in the collection that I would never part with would have to be the MB&F LM Perpetual in titanium. I still remember vividly the first time the brand really got my attention was when I saw a review of the LM Perpetual on Hodinkee many years ago. I was completely blown away just by looking at the photo of the watch. It was unlike anything I had seen before at the time and I knew right away I had to have one. 


這款MB&F的LM Perpetual鈦金屬腕錶應該是我絕對不會捨棄的一支收藏。還記得多年前我在Hodinkee看到LM Perpetual的報導,那是這個品牌頭一次引起我的注意。光是看到手錶的照片,我就完全被震撼了。它和當時看過的任何錶款都不一樣,我馬上就知道必須擁有這個酷玩意兒。


Of course, I had only started collecting at the time, still trying to justify the thousands of dollars I had spent on this hobby. The LM Perpetual was something I could not afford then but I was fortunate enough later in the year to acquire a preowned LM 101 at a very reasonable price. That was the beginning of my love for MB&F. A few years later in 2019, I felt I was ready to take the next step. I reached out to my AD to secure me a piece of the LM Perpetual to be delivered in 2020, the year I turned 50. A milestone piece that I had worked really hard for and would most likely go to one of my kids someday.  


當時我才剛剛開始收藏手錶,對於是否應該在這項嗜好上投資幾萬美金這件事還需要說服自己。當時的我還負擔不起LM Perpetual,幸虧在那年的年底用非常漂亮的二手價買到了LM 101。我就是從那時候開始愛上MB&F。一直到了2019,我覺得應該準備好可以跨出下一步了。因此我聯繫了熟識的錶店訂了一只LM萬年曆,我們談好在2020年,也就是我50歲那年交錶。這款錶作為紀念我努力工作的里程碑,而且日後也會成為我傳承給下一代的腕錶。


MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 07.ZR.OR - IG影響力人物:Ron Fu的收藏風格

MB&F - LEGACY MACHINES - 07.ZR.OR - IG影響力人物:Ron Fu的收藏風格


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