24 NOV. 2022

IG影響力人物:Sang-Moon Lee的收藏風格

24 NOV. 2022
JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q39334T2 - IG影響力人物:Sang-Moon Lee的收藏風格

將腕錶戴上手,展示的不只是一枚配件,同時也展露了一部份的自我,包含個性、品味,以及你對腕錶收藏的看法見解。特別企劃【TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your collecting style? 】以錶會友,邀請43位鐘錶藏家分享他的收藏風格,以及收藏裡最具代表性的錶款。43位藏家的43種答案,都是收藏歷程的真實體會。


Sang-Moon Lee/Penny

我在首爾經營一個會員制的鐘錶社群「Penny Watch」,定期在韓國鐘錶雜誌撰寫專欄,並為多個團體舉辦鐘錶講座。我目前擁有21只腕錶,未來會持續關注Neo-vintage腕錶和獨立製錶品牌。




I like all kinds of charming watches. Over the past 15 years, I have collected watches ranging from Stowa Marine to Akrivia RRCC2 (Waiting). However, these days, I am interested in Neo-vintage and have been collecting steadily over the past few years. As I will say again, Neo-vintage watches have romance and dignity that modern watches don't have.


我喜歡各種迷人的腕錶,在過去的15年裡,我的收藏包括了Stowa Marine到Akrivia RRCC2(等待中)。不過最近我對Neo-vintage的懷舊風格很感興趣,這幾年一直持續收藏。正如我所說的,Neo-vintage腕錶擁有現代腕錶缺乏的浪漫和態度。


JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q39334T2 - IG影響力人物:Sang-Moon Lee的收藏風格

JAEGER-LECOULTRE Reverso Art Deco WG 白金/雙面翻轉錶殼

JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q39334T2 - IG影響力人物:Sang-Moon Lee的收藏風格


The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Art Deco WG came into my collection recently. I think the Swiss watches were able to overcome the quartz crisis because they created mechanical watches that the quartz can not be imitated. This is the spirit of Neo-vintage watches. The spirit of Neo-vintage watches is contained in the JLC Reverso Art Deco. JLC brought their own heritage, Reverso, and applied handcrafted guilloché patterns and high-quality indexes & hands to the dial, and the movement expressed beauty by skeletonizing and engraving on a gold plate. Reverso Art Deco is the unique Neo-vintage watch that expresses the "Art Deco” and “Art" Deco.


這款Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Art Deco WG是我最近入手的收藏,我認為瑞士鐘錶能夠克服石英危機,是因為他們創造了石英錶無法模仿的機械錶,這就是Neo-vintage腕錶的靈魂。而這款積家Reverso Art Deco也包含了Neo-vintage腕錶的精神,他們在這款錶注入自己的歷史傳承:Reverso,並在面盤採用手工機刻花紋裝飾,以及高品質的刻度和指針,同時在機芯的金質橋板運用鏤空和金雕的手法呈現美感。Reverso Art Deco是一款獨特的Neo-vintage腕錶,表現出「裝飾藝術」和「裝飾的藝術」。

JAEGER-LECOULTRE - REVERSO - Q39334T2 - IG影響力人物:Sang-Moon Lee的收藏風格

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