23 NOV. 2023


23 NOV. 2023
ROMAIN GAUTHIER - INSIGHT MICRO-ROTOR - MON00325 - IG影響力人物:@simple_man15的風格錶款

就好比Instagram、Facebook在建置個人檔案的時候都需要一枚頭像代表自己,如果現在要挑選一只能夠代表你的風格錶款,你會怎麼挑選呢?HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.4的特別企劃【達人的風格錶款】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your statement watch?),邀請藏家朋友分享屬於自己的statement watch,無論是人設形象、收藏路線、喜好立場⋯⋯Let's make a statement!







Romain Gauthier pushes the boundaries in watchmaking innovation and pairs it with some of the most superlative finishing in the industry. The brand reflects my own approach to life, being open to doing things in a better way while still respecting tradition.


ROMAIN GAUTHIER突破了創新製錶的界限,並結合了業內最高水準的裝飾技術。這個品牌映照出我的生活方式,秉持開放的態度,以更好的方式做事,卻也仍然尊重傳統。


ROMAIN GAUTHIER - INSIGHT MICRO-ROTOR - MON00325 - IG影響力人物:@simple_man15的風格錶款

ROMAIN GAUTHIER Insight Micro-Rotor 鈦金屬 / 錶徑39.5mm / 訂製款

The Insight Micro-Rotor paired with a rubber strap straddles perfectly between being classical yet sporty, while titanium makes the watch extremely wearable and is perfect for work or leisure.


The customized Ana-blue (named after Romain’s wife) enamel dial contrasts superbly with the silver numerals and laser sharp hands. The dial also complements the dark grayish hues of the baseplate and the accents of the light grey rubber strap.


Insight Micro-Rotor搭配的橡膠錶帶,完美兼顧經典與運動風格,而鈦金屬也讓這款錶在工作或休閒場合都更合適佩戴。客製化的 Ana-blue(以Romain妻子的名字來命名)琺瑯錶盤與銀色數字時標和雷射切割的銳利指針營造出鮮明對比,錶盤也與基板的灰色調及淺灰色橡膠錶帶的設計相得益彰。


ROMAIN GAUTHIER - INSIGHT MICRO-ROTOR - MON00325 - IG影響力人物:@simple_man15的風格錶款


When you notice the S screws and the S detail on the strap, you will realize that the entire design language and attention to detail of this watch is second to none, culminating in an exquisite end product. The Insight Micro-Rotor is a simple time only watch interpreted through a modern lens yet fastidiously finished and crafted using traditional techniques.


當你看到S形溝槽螺絲和錶帶上的S形細節時,將會發覺這款錶的整個設計語彙和對細節的關注都是舉世無雙的,由此匯聚成一件極為精緻的作品。Insight Micro- Rotor透過現代角度詮釋了一款簡約的時分顯示腕錶,所採用的卻是一絲不苟的傳統修飾工藝。


ROMAIN GAUTHIER - INSIGHT MICRO-ROTOR - MON00325 - IG影響力人物:@simple_man15的風格錶款

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