7 JAN. 2020

懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle

7 JAN. 2020
ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle

許多愛錶的男士,時常為如何向太座請款或解釋購錶而傷透腦筋。這時不免會覺得,如果有個同樣愛錶的另一半,那該有多好?在本次「懂錶的女人最美麗」單元,我們訪問到來自荷蘭的@herindependentstyle,她不但愛錶、懂錶,也和先生一起共享收藏,真是令人好生羨慕啊!(p.s. 她的先生,即是之前訪問過的IG名錶達人@watchonthewrist




Q1: 妳是如何開始對手錶產生興趣的?

How did you get interested in watches?




My husband is a watch collector for quite some time. I think I started getting into watches 4 or 5 years ago, when he took me for the first time to Baselworld. We had a great time there, and we met a lot of watchmakers and collectors over there.

That’s how I got interested into the watch world



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Q2: 哪一則貼文最能表達妳的風格?

Which of your IG post best represents your style?




I have two different styles: classy and sporty. I like to wear classy watches but not too flashy. On working days it’s not possible for me to wear a flashy watch. Seiko is an excellent brand for that occasion imho; great value for your money and most of them have a low profile look yet beautiful executed.


ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle



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Q3: 妳覺得女性和男性愛錶人有何不同之處嗎?

Have you found any differences between female and male watch lovers?




Not so much I think, there are a lot of female Watch collectors and journalists out there and their knowledge is the same like the male watch lovers. Woman can also wear a men’s watch, so it’s for both an interesting hobby. I notice that men like to have a woman into their watch community. Everyone respects and values each other. It’s a big watch family.



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A post shared by Her independent Style (@herindependentstyle) on


Q4: 對你的工作或生活來說,手錶代表什麼?

What do watches mean to your work and life?




At my work I don’t wear an “in your face” watch as a host of a big company, mostly wearing a low profile watch like the Seiko, Staudt or a Nomos. All of them are easy and fun as a daily watch. In my free time, I am wearing the rest of my collection. It all depends what outfit I am wearing, I liked to match my style and color with my watches and straps. All the straps have a quick release, so my husband and I can share some watches from his exceptional and beautiful collection.



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ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle



Q5: 妳最喜愛的錶是哪一只?為什麼?

Which is your favourite watch? Why?




I don’t have a specific favorite watch, I like all the watches in my collection and all of them have their own story. But there are some special watches and they will stay forever in my collection. One of them is the Cartier Tank Francaise. It’s my first special gift from my husband 19 years ago and this means a lot to me.


ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle


Q6: 身為一位女性愛錶人,妳對鐘錶品牌和鐘錶業界,有什麼話想說呢?

As a female watch lover, do you want to say something to the brands and the watch industry?




I really like some big brands, but with some big brands it’s almost impossible to buy a watch which you like nowadays! I also think that most big brands can learn something from the personal approach that Independents give. Many Independent brands give you the feeling that you are special, and become friends with the customers. It’s all about the total package of good communication and engaging

experience, which is important and enjoyable to me. From the story behind the watchmaker or brand to the end when the watch is delivered to you. They even invite you to their workshop or atelier, so you can see how they work and create their beautiful watches. In a nutshell, the human touch is one of the key factors that make independent brands stand out.


ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle
(@herindependentstyle收藏的獨立製錶作品之一:Schwarz Etienne)

Q7: 除了手錶,你還有其他的愛好嗎?

Do you have other hobbies besides watches?




Not particularly. Like most woman, I like jewelry. I also like photography, and I am planning to take a photograph course in 2020


ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle

ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle


Q8: 你最喜愛的鐘錶品牌是哪一個?為什麼?

Which is your favorite watch brand and why?


我喜歡的品牌很多,但是我越來越喜愛並尊敬獨立品牌。例如Schwarz Etienne在2019年製作了一款很棒的女錶,而我也有幸把它加入的我收藏。我也喜歡亨利慕時風格,尤其是令人著迷的面盤。當然還有F.P. Journe的Elegante,優雅卻又有運動感。




There are all lot of brands that I like, but I start to love and respect the independent brands more and more. For example, Schwarz Ettienne made a gorgeous woman’s watch in 2019, and I was lucky to add that one into my collection


I also like the style of H Moser and Cie, especially their mesmerizing dials. And of course F.P. Journe’s Elegante. Such an elegant and yet sporty watch.


Another favorite of mine from the big brands and one I would love to add in the near future is JLC and in particular the Reverso, it’s classy and elegant


ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle
(Schwarz Etienne)
ROLEX - DATEJUST - 278273-0016 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的 @herindependentstyle
(亨利慕時 Endeavour Small Seconds)