16 JUL. 2019


16 JUL. 2019
H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist





自我介紹:Passionate About Indie Brands



When did you open your IG account? and why?




I opened my IG account in 2013 because I was looking for new info and pictures of watches that just came out and was curious about what other people collected. Before IG I was only reading watch magazine; on IG and other social media the news is almost instantly so I needed to do more on the internet.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



What message would you want to convey through your post?




I'm not really trying to convey a message through my posts. They are just pictures of watches I like or own. My IG account is all about (my) watches and the things I like in life (cars, motorbikes, a certain lifestyle).


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



 Please choose one post that can represent your style.




I think my style is changed a bit over the years. But the last few years it’s been all about Independent brands.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Which post(s) impressed you the most or which post has the most engagement rate? Is there any story behind?


讓我印象最深的是我最新手的Rexphep Rexhepi. 我收到好多很棒的留言。這是個起步不久的品牌。Rexphep是一位真正的製錶職人;他對錶款和品牌的未來有清晰的想法。我已經在期待他的下一個作品了。


The post that impressed me the most is from my latest incoming - My Rexphep Rexhepi. I got so much nice comments about that watch. I think this brand is just getting started. Rexphep is a true master watchmaker with a clear vision about his watches and the future of the brand. Already looking forward to his next new release


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



What do watches mean to your work or life?




Not so much for my work but definitely a lot for me personally. It’s one of my biggest hobby. It gives me a huge smile on my face each time I look at my watches. I spend at least a few hours a day on this hobby with Social Media and the watches themselves.



What are your criteria in collecting watch?


很簡單,一支錶要能讓我會心一笑。如同這只令人驚豔的De Bethune DB27,不論是一只有趣的錶,或是一只精美的正裝錶,當我看著我的手腕時,那只錶必須能在我臉上帶出一抹微笑。


It’s a simple one: the watch needs to put a smile on my face. It can be a fun watch or a gorgeous dress watch, but it needs to put a smile on my face when I look at my wrist, like this amazing De Bethune DB27.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Which watch brand is your favourite?




That’s a tough one. There are a lot of brands that I like; most of them are independent brands. Each brand has its own charm imho, so I can’t really tell you which is my favourite, sorry. H Moser & Cie is one of those brands I really like.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Which is your favourite watch? Why?


我的答案和上一題一樣,沒辦法只選一只。我有很多不同類型的錶,它們都各有特色,如同這只Urwerk 103T。


I think I need to give you the same answer like the question above. I have a lot of different kind of watches, and they all are special to me in their own way, like this Urwerk 103T.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



In your opinion, what makes “a nice watch”?


依我個人淺見,設計和打磨,是讓一只腕錶出色的兩個主要因素。Gronefeld 的Remontoire 就是個完美的例證。


Design and finishing are the two main aspects that makes a watch special imho. The Gronefeld Remontoire is a perfect example of that.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Which watch(es) do you usually wear?


上班時間,我通常佩戴較不昂貴的錶,如 Seiko Presage、Staudt,或是怪趣的 Amida。


I normally wear less expensive watches during office hours like Seiko Presage watches, Staudt, or some quirky watches like my Amida.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist
H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist
H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Would you please share your first watch? Do you still have it?


我的第一只錶是名仕的 Linea。我在滿18歲時購入它,那已經是31年前的事了。我仍然擁有它,雖然已經超過二十年沒戴了。不過它會永遠留在我的收藏裡。


My first watch was a Baume et Mercier Linea. I bought this watch when I turned 18 (31 years ago). I still have this watch, but haven’t worn it for more than 20 years. But it will never leave my collection.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Please share the craziest watch that you have.


這題簡單,我的Konstantin Chaykin Joker又酷又有趣,我非常喜歡!


That’s an easy one: my Konstantin Chaykin Joker. Such a cool and funny watch. I just love it!


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Which watch would you want to purchase next?


再過幾個月,我有一只新錶會到。是我向一個小的獨立品牌Kudoke訂製的獨一客製款。我有一長串想要入手的獨立製錶錶款名單,不過我總是看機緣。目前我尋找中的是這只Vianney Halter Classic。


I have one watch incoming within a few months. It’s a piece unique from a small indie brand “Kudoke”. I also have a loooooong list of indie watches that I would love to own, but I always see what crosses my path. This Vianney Halter Classic is one watch I am on the hunt for at this moment.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Do you have a dream watch?


我的夢想希望清單上有許多錶,若有一天能入手Greubel Forsey的錶,那絕對將會是夢想成真。我真的愛死了Greubel Forsey的Balancier Contemporain。這只錶如此優雅,有著令人讚嘆的打磨,以及易於佩戴、略小於40mm的尺寸。


I have many dream watches on my wish list, but to own a Greubel Forsey one day would definitely be a dream come true. I really love the new Greubel Forsey Balancier Contemporain. It’s such an elegant piece with an amazing finishing and a very wearable case size just under 40mm.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



Do you have other hobby than watches?


除了手錶,我還喜歡汽車和機車。目前我正在修復翻新一輛勞斯萊斯Silver Shadow。差不多接近尾聲了,只剩下內裝和一些鍍鉻配件。此外,我也喜歡運動,如體適能和健身。


Besides watches I love cars and motorbikes too. I'm restoring a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow now. Almost getting to the end; just need to do the upholstery and some chrome parts. I also like to do Sports (fitness and crossfit).


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist
H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist



If you only get to keep ONE watch in your collection, which one would you keep? Why?


我喜愛我所有的錶。但如果只能留一只,那絕對是Christiaan vd Klaauw Mondial。十五年前我太太懷孕時,我訂了這只錶,並在自動盤上刻上了我女兒的名字和生日。這只錶將會永遠陪伴著我。


I love all my watches. But if I can only get to keep ONE, then it’s definitely my Christiaan vd Klaauw Mondial. This watch is very special to me. I ordered the watch when my wife was pregnant 15years ago, and I had my daughter's name and birth date engraved on the rotor. This watch will always be with me.


H. MOSER & CIE - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@watchonthewrist


註:雖然 @watchonthewrist 的帳號為私人帳號,但他表示,歡近愛錶的朋友們按下 follow 鍵追蹤他。