懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@itselevenxi
自我介紹:腕錶和藝術的愛好者 / A lover of watches and art
Q1: 妳是如何開始對手錶產生興趣的?
How did you get interested in watches?
我腕錶之路的轉捩點,是當我父親提議要送一只錶作為我20歲的生日禮物。在進行了一點基本的研究、以及父親的協助之後,我選擇了 Rado雷達的Jubile。現在回過頭看,這在當時的確是一只適合我年齡和風格的錶。它會一直在我的收藏之中;它點燃了我對長方型錶的喜愛。
在我為自己購入第一只手錶之前,我也佩戴了母親的Universal Geneve石英錶多年。
Watches were present in my childhood, but I grew up indifferent to them. My parents both worked and trained briefly in a watch and clock store in Shanghai before moving on to other studies and careers. While their work no longer involved watches, my father wore a watch every day and my mother occasionally did simple repairs for friends.
The turning point was when my father offered to gift me a watch for my twentieth birthday. With some basic research and assistance from my father, I chose the Rado Jubile. Even looking back now, it was a watch that suited my age and style at the time. It’s a watch that still remains in my collection, and the one that sparked my love of rectangular watches.
I also wore my mother’s quartz Universal Geneve for several years before looking to purchase a watch for myself.
Q2: 哪一則貼文最能表達妳的風格?
Which of your IG post best represents your style?
至於我最常戴的,則是兩只長方型的錶:積家的Reverso和卡地亞的Tank Must。
It’s difficult for me to pinpoint a particular style. I like both small and larger watches; sometimes I will feel like wearing a watch with a colourful dial and other times, I won’t. I tend to prefer dress watches, although I do have sports watches in my collection.
When it comes to watches I wear most often, I am partial towards my duo of rectangular watches.
Q3: 妳覺得女性和男性的愛錶人是否有不同之處?
Have you found any differences between female and male watch lovers?
I think everyone’s interest and relationship with watches is different and evolves over time; and it can be limiting to generalise when it comes to how men and women approach this hobby.
Taking myself as an example, I have purchased a watch purely because it was ‘love at first sight’, and I have also spent months looking for a discontinued watch with a particular combination of complication and dial layout that I liked.
I have found it so interesting to see people’s collections on Instagram, it’s as if you get a glimpse of someone’s interests and collecting journey just from seeing their collection at a particular point in time. Even amongst female collectors, our collections are vastly different.
Q4: 對你的工作或生活來說,手錶代表什麼?
What do watches mean to your work and life?
工作時,我幾乎只戴Reverso和Tank Must。兩只都是小尺寸的錶,但各自有其獨特風格。有時在我打字時,低頭看一眼Reverso漂亮的面盤紋路、或Tank Must的深酒紅,就能讓我心情大好。
Certain activities make me want to wear certain watches. It’s a little strange, but grocery shopping makes me reach for a particular watch in my collection. There is no logic behind it.
I wear my reverso and tank almost exclusively for work. They are both small but have their own individual flare. Sometimes when I am typing, I look down at the keyboard and see the beautiful guilloche on my reverso or that deep burgundy dial on my tank must and it gives me much joy.
Q5: 妳最喜愛的錶是哪一只?為什麼?
Which is your favourite watch? Why?
My favourite watch is my Jaeger-LeCoultre reverso. It is the first watch I purchased for myself, and I spent a significant amount of time thinking about the purchase and researching before finally pulling the trigger. I love it for these reasons and because it still remains the watch I feel most comfortable wearing.
Q6: 身為一位女性的愛錶人,妳對鐘錶品牌和鐘錶業界,有什麼話想說呢?
As a female watch lover, do you want to say something to the brands and the watch industry?
I think some brands are starting to recognise that not all women want small precious metal quartz watches and not all men prefer large watches. I think there is a place for ‘ladies watches’ (and I personally like small precious metal watches) but hope that brands can expand their offerings to women.
When I browse official websites of brands, I almost always go to the men section because I know the women’s section will be incredibly limited. At least with the men’s section, I can usually filter by case size and movement.
As a starting point, I hope brands can be more open to what constitutes a ‘ladies watch’ – a narrow definition can mean that a large portion of a brand’s offerings are not easily accessible to the casual visitor and can create an unnecessary barrier of entry for women who are unfamiliar with the world of watches.
When I first started looking at watches to purchase, I had a very hard time finding a watch that I liked because as soon as I walked into a store (or looked on the women’s section on websites), I would be shown ladies watches, mostly with diamonds – and because I like diamonds on my jewellery and not on my timepieces – none of those watches appealed to me. It was not until I spend time researching, that I discovered there were so many more options and dial designs available – I had simply not been exposed to them at the beginning.
Q7: 除了手錶,你還有其他的愛好嗎?
Do you have other hobbies besides watches?
去年年初,我為了手錶相關內容,專門開了一個IG帳號。除了我自己手錶的照片外,漸漸也開始分享我以手錶為主題的繪畫作品 - 大部分來自於封城的無聊期間。我想,我可能已經意外地找到了一個結合手錶、攝影和繪畫三種興趣的方式。
I have been drawing and painting for many years, and it remains a hobby that I enjoy. I also like photography and have collected film cameras for many years.
Early last year, I started a separate Instagram account just for watch related content. On that account I also started posting photographs of my watches and later, drawings and paintings of watches – mostly out of lockdown boredom. Now I think I may have accidently stumbled across a way of merging all three hobbies.