9 FEB. 2022

懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247

9 FEB. 2022
A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247






Q1: 妳是如何開始對手錶產生興趣的?

How did you get interested in watches?


我喜愛手錶已有好一段時間,主要關注最知名的品牌,例如勞力士和卡地亞等等。在第二個寶貝(是個男孩)出生後,我和另一半討論:如何可以表達我們對他的愛?我們認為出生年的錶是個很棒的方式,於是開始尋找具有悠久歷史且能經年傳承的品牌。在幾個候選的品牌中,最後我們找到了一只朗格1815 Up/Down Suarez限量版(是西班牙的鐘錶珠寶經銷商Suarez為慶祝75週年而出的20只限量版);它的獵錶式錶背上有著非常漂亮的雕刻。這只錶符合我們設定的主題,而且它的編號和我們兒子的生日相同。從那時候起,我們成為了一個愛錶的家庭,開始探索各個品牌的故事。隨著我們越投入,也就越沈浸在鐘錶的世界裡。於是我們開始收藏更多具有不同故事的手錶。


I’ve been liking watches for quite some time, and have mostly been looking into some of the most well-known brands say Rolex and Cartier, etc.  After having my second baby, who is a boy, I discussed with my partner on how we could express our love to him. We came up with the idea of a birth watch, and started searching for brands that have a long history and could be a heritage to keep for years. We narrowed down to a couple of brands, and finally found a A. Lange 1815 Up Down Suarez Limited Edition (celebration of 75th Anniversary of the Spanish Jeweler) with a stunningly beautiful engraved hunter case back. We thought that the theme is quite a matching and this watch was marked exactly the same as our son’s birthday. Since then, we become a watch family and start to explore more stories of different brands. The more you devote to, the more you find yourself deeply immersed in the watch world, and we started to collect more and more different sort of watches with interesting stories behind.


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247

朗格1815 Up/Down Suarez限量版(西班牙的鐘錶珠寶經銷商Suarez為慶祝75週年而出的20只限量版)

A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247


Q2: 哪一則貼文最能表達妳的風格?

Which of your IG post best represents your style?



I think this one pretty much tells all my favourites and style.


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247


在上面這則貼文裡的多張照片中,我最喜歡的是這張;風格優雅,有個性,而且我喜歡把錶戴在袖子上面。很多人問我為什麼這樣戴,我的原因是:1. 戴起來更合手;2. 更符合我的風格;3. 更容易讀取時間。照片中,我刻意秀出機芯那一面,來表達我對製錶工藝的欣賞和尊敬之意。相信不少愛錶之人會同意,這樣子配戴朗格才能凸顯出應有的風格。


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247


I do like this one the most –  elegant style with a character, and love wearing watch over sleeves. A lot of people ask me why I do that. The reason are actually 1) with sleeves on the strap fits better, 2) better styling for me and 3) easier for me to read my watch. Showing the movement on wrist in that photo is to tell my true appreciation and respect towards the watchmaking, and many within the watchfam will agree that it’s the way to wear  A. Lange.


Q3: 妳覺得女性和男性的愛錶人是否有不同之處?

Have you found any differences between female and male watch lovers?






Obviously, many people used to think female watch lovers are into fashion-oriented design and smaller watches and male watch lovers are usually into the mechanical of watches with bigger size of watches. But it is not true nowadays; as we have seen male nailing that Cartier tank or wearing pink strap in style, and salmon/pink has always been one of the favorite dials among watch lovers. I’ve also seen a lot of female watch lovers killing the vibes with their AP offshore/diver. This unisex trend is obvious when you see nowadays males looking great in make-ups and female rocking khaki chino pants in style.


For me, I do interchange watches with my partner too; all you need is to get some different size of straps. Here are a few examples of me and my partner wearing matching watches.


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247



Q4: 對你的工作或生活來說,手錶代表什麼?

What do watches mean to your work and life?


就生活上的意義而言,我們真正的腕錶之旅,開始於家庭的新篇章(見第一題)。就工作而言,我現在投入了大部分的時間在準備一個新項目和個人收藏,現時跟一些獨立的製錶品牌合作(如Garrick, Armin Strom, Kari Voutilainen 和Daniel Roth)自定獨特設計的腕錶。這需要透過研究和閱讀來獲得大量的知識,並建立各種關係,同時思考手錶的訂製設計也是頗具挑戰性的。


It is meaningful in a sense how we truly started the watch journey which also means a new family chapter, as I mentioned in the first question. Now I’m devoting much of my time in preparing for a business and my own collection in the watch industry on bespoken watches with independent watchmakers – like Garrick, Armin Strom, Kari Voutilainen, Daniel Roth. This requires a lot of knowledge about watches through researching and reading, and establishing different connection and networks. Thinking of the design of the watches are challenging too.


Q5: 妳最喜愛的錶是哪一只?為什麼?

Which is your favourite watch? Why?


這是最難回答的一題,因為所有我收藏的錶都是我最喜愛的,哈哈!但若只能選一只,那會是MB&F的Legacy Machine 101。


這只錶有很多出眾之處,而且它絕對能讓你完美上手並愛上它。我尤其喜歡在面盤上的懸浮平衡擺輪所展現的機械創意,以及由製錶大師Kari Voutilainen 完美修飾打磨、並有其名鐫刻其上的機芯。成為MB&F部落的一員,能讓你有機會購買M.A.D 1和品牌其他的產品。這聽起來好像加入一個熱門的NFT所能獲得的酷效用,哈哈!


This is the hardest question – as all the watches in my collection are my favourite, haha! But if I have to choose one, it would be MB&F – LM101.


This is a watch that have many outstanding essences and it’s definitely a wearable watch that fits your wrist perfectly to make you fall in love with. I especially love the mechanical creativity with the pulsing balance on the dial side and impeccable finishing with Kari Voutilainen’s involvement on a stunning case back movement view with his name engraved.  Joining the MB&F tribe and the community gets you the chance to have access to buy their M.A.D 1 and some other goodies. It just sounds like some killer utilities where you joined a blue chip NFT, Haha.


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247

MB&F Legacy Machine 101

另一只我最喜愛的錶,是我收藏中的新成員 — 煙草面的F.P Journe Chronometre Souverain。我想 F.P Journe應該不須多作介紹吧?我喜歡這只錶,因為它結合了現代的設計和最純粹傳統的製錶方式,且看起來如此簡單又優雅。我會稱它為傳統中的前衛。


Another one of my favourite would be this new member in my watch collection  – F.P Journe Chronometre Souverain with Havanas dial. F.P Journe need no introduction I guess, and the reason why I like it it’s the way how the watch combines such contemporary design while being constructed in the purest traditional way while looking simple yet so elegant. I would call this the avant-garde of tradition.


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247

煙草面F.P Journe Chronometre Souverain

Q6: 身為一位女性的愛錶人,妳對鐘錶品牌和鐘錶業界,有什麼話想說呢?

As a female watch lover, do you want to say something to the brands and the watch industry?




The boundary between male and female watches is much less nowadays, and we should not be bounded by any traditional thoughts about male and female watch differences anymore. I see there are many industry starting to break the wall and the watch industry should also be.


Q7: 除了手錶,你還有其他的愛好嗎?

Do you have other hobbies besides watches?






I go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week, and I am also a foodie as you could see a lot of food with my watches photos.


I’m also a NFT enthusiast, also consulting a few projects on social marketing /business strategies – you know the metaverse is the future!


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 414.031 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@jamiewatch247
