9 JAN. 2024

懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link

9 JAN. 2024
VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link





Just-for-fun watch account for a girl with a dog named Link


Q1: 妳是如何開始對手錶產生興趣的?

How did you get interested in watches?




During a big year professionally, I wanted to reward myself by purchasing a nice mechanical watch. I started researching, and then quickly fell down the rabbit hole of the watch world. It didn’t help that my husband and friends were already watch nerds, and so began a cycle of bad influences haha.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q2: 哪一則貼文最能表達妳的風格?

Which of your IG post best represents your style?




This IWC “baby pilot” is pretty iconically me at this point. It was my first modern “luxury” watch, and still continues to be my most worn watch each year. I also love pairing it with white tops and pastel colors, like this scarf my mom gave me.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q3: 妳覺得女性和男性的愛錶人是否有不同之處?

Have you found any differences between female and male watch lovers?






I think there’s a unique freedom that female watch lovers have: because we are not the target audience for many mechanical brands and don’t necessarily identify with the majority of the watch community, we are not oversold on the “hype” and bandwagon watches.


I feel like it is easier for female watch lovers to be true to their own style and taste. All the lady watch enthusiasts I know and admire pick pieces that are so unique to them, rather than what the community hivemind thinks is best.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q4: 對你的工作或生活來說,手錶代表什麼?

What do watches mean to your work and life?


其實手錶和我的工作並沒有什麼相關 - 我是一名軟體工程經理,整天坐在電腦前。就我的工作而言,有用的手錶是GMT,因為可追蹤世界區;但好笑的是,我目前還未擁有GMT手錶。




Watches don’t really tie into my work at all - I’m a software engineering manager so I sit in front of a computer all day. Ironically, a watch that would be useful for my work is a GMT so I can track UTC time, but I don’t own a GMT (yet).


For life though, I’ve found that watches are a wonderful way to connect with people. Both to deepen friendships I already have, and to start new friendships with people I haven’t even met! It’s also fun to feel like you can add a whole new dimension to how you present yourself. Sometimes a person’s choice in watch can say a lot about the way they think and perceive themselves.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q5. 妳最喜愛的錶是哪一只?為什麼?

Which is your favourite watch? Why?


啊!我實在不想只選擇一個,因為我擁有的所有手錶都是我最喜歡的!但既然它已經在我的收藏中,我必須選擇江詩丹頓Historiques American 1921(36.5毫米,粉金)。這是我結婚時戴的手錶,所以我將永遠珍惜它。


Oof, I hesitate to give just one because all the watches I own are my favorite! But now that it’s in my collection, I have to say the Vacheron Constantin Historiques American 1921 (36.5mm in pink gold). It’s the watch I got married in, and so I will cherish it forever.


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q6: 身為一位女性的愛錶人,妳對鐘錶品牌和鐘錶業界,有什麼話想說呢?

As a female watch lover, do you want to say something to the brands and the watch industry? 


我希望品牌停止將手錶定位為男士手錶或女士手錶。只要是錶主自己的選擇,一只手錶可以適合任何人 - 不論尺寸、顏色、材質。還有,如果品牌為手錶配備了錶帶,拜託、拜託,請務必確保錶帶適合小手腕(或提供短錶帶的選項)。


I’d love it if brands stopped marketing watches as a men’s watch or a women’s watch. Watches should be for anyone - regardless of size, color, material - if they would choose it for themselves. Also... If the watch comes on a strap, please please please make sure it fits (or there’s a short strap option) for small wrists!!


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link



Q7: 除了手錶,你還有其他的愛好嗎?

Do you have other hobbies besides watches?




Most of my free time is spent bouldering (rock climbing), both indoors and outdoors. Outside of that, I fill the rest of my time taking pictures of my dog or playing league of legends. On vacation I do actually dive with my watches too!


VACHERON CONSTANTIN - HISTORIQUES - 1100S/000R-B430 - 懂錶的女人最美麗 ! 你必須follow的@watch.link

