IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@a7mad3h

HOROGUIDES這次採訪到住在杜拜的名錶達人@a7mad3h,才二十歲出頭的他也是@DubaiWatchClub的成員,擁有的手錶從勞力士藍面遊艇,RD、AP到 RICHARD MILLE,十足的年輕運動款,收藏也非常具有中東年輕藏家特色。豪氣通常是中東收藏家給人的印象,但狂熱的他甚至願意為AP RO鏤空錶寫一本書,展現出他對手錶的熱愛是發自內心的喜歡,並非只是專挑昂貴的或特別的手錶入手,而是有著自己收藏手錶的一套哲學,隱約散發出一股年輕收藏家不想流於世俗的霸氣。如同他的IG簡短有力的自我介紹-所有手錶都是自己的, 非賣品 !
IG名錶達人, 你一定要follow的@a7mad3h
Dubai, UAE
All watches are mine & NOT for sale!
@DubaiWatchClub / @EmaratiWrist
When did you create your IG account? Why?
Jan 12, 2013. IG has just became a thing in the UAE and I opened it because my friends had it and it was a cool way to communicate via photos.
Please choose one post that can represent your style.
Which post impressed you the most or which post has the most engagement rate? Is there any story behind?
I was just sitting having a coffee with my friend when I noticed that his phone goes along with my watch. So I took a picture of it with the view in front of me, and for some reason, it went crazy.
What do watches mean to your work or life?
Something that motivates me to work harder in life, and to reward myself whenever I take a step towards success. It's also a point of interest that I've used I order to get connected with a large community and have many fruitful relations.
What are your principles in collecting watches?
Every watch to me should have a purpose, But mainly my criterias are: Value for money, aesthetics and wrist comfortability.
Which watch brand is your favourite?
I don't think I have a favorite watch brand, I like to diversify my collection with different brands and different styles of watchmaking. Therefore, the answer will only depend on my mood.
Which is your favourite watch? Why?
In my case, I don't hesitate to say that it's the 39mm Openworked AP. I've been dreaming of this watch since I've known about it’s existence. Not only because I own it today, but this watch represents everything I like about a watch. It pleases my eye, sits comfortably on the wrist and last but not least, you get what you pay for. Also, the aesthetics of this watch are backed up by a very high level of craft. I don't think anyone can disagree that this is one of the best skeletonized watches in the market, technically speaking, if not THE best. If you think this caption is a bit longer than the usual, trust me, I can write a book about this watch. I mean it.
Which watch do you usually wear?
RICHARD MILLE 的RM RM055 Yas Marina Circuit。
RM055 Yas Marina Circuit.
Would you please share your first watch? Do you still have it?
我的第一只手錶是勞力士的藍面Yacht Master 116622,到現在我都還滿常戴它。
This blue ROLEX yacht master 116622 was my first watch and I still have it.
Please share the craziest watch that you have.
其實我並沒有很多瘋狂的手錶,但我覺得這只宇宙綠的H.MOSER &CIE.應該算是,它的面盤上沒有任何數字或時標,很現代卻也很古典,總是能吸引我的目光。
I don't have many crazy watches, but I think this one might be it for me. It has no indexes or numerals, it's so contemporary yet it's very old fashioned. Always grabs the eye.
Which watch would you want to purchase next? Why?
目前正在注意的是URWERK的UR-105 T-Rex,我覺得它是URWERK目前做過最好看的設計。
Currently eyeing an Urwerk UR-105 T-Rex. I think it's the best looking watch Urwerk have ever done.

Do you have a dream watch?
If you only get to keep ONE watch in your collection, which one would you keep? Why?
RICHARD MILLE的RM 055 Yas Marina Circuit。它除了是我自己的偏好之外,它也是我買過最貴的手錶,我每天都會戴它。
RM 055 Yas Marina Circuit. With all preferences aside, I have spent the most on it, it has the highest value and as a bonus, it's an everyday watch.