30 JUN. 2024

IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的Sentimental Watch

30 JUN. 2024
ARNOLD & Son - LUNA MAGNA - 1LMAR.Z03A.C262R - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的Sentimental Watch

價格是品牌制定,價值則是由自己衡量。此次我們讓腕錶回歸情感聯繫的物件本質,它為何惹你情牽?如何引你心繫?心境流轉、人生歷程,HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.5的特別企劃:【達人最愛的情感代「錶」】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your sentimental watch?)19位鐘錶藏家分享他的sentimental watch,以及背後的心動故事。







在機械錶的各類複雜功能中,月相是個不太實用卻特富浪漫情調的一項機制。弔詭的是,機械錶在數位時代裡依然存活,甚至受到錶友們鍾愛,不也多虧那種浪漫情懷,而非基於其實用性?Arnold & Son於2021年首次推出全新機芯的3D月相Luna Magna,六點鐘位置有一顆可360°旋轉的球體月亮,以兩種不同顏色的石材或貴金屬組成,顛覆傳統月相錶的運轉和呈現方式,上市後立刻入圍同年GPHG的日曆及天文獎項。


ARNOLD & Son - LUNA MAGNA - 1LMAR.Z03A.C262R - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的Sentimental Watch

Arnold & Son Luna Magna “Year of the Dragon” 錶款資訊 玫瑰金/錶徑44mm/A&S 1021機芯/3D月相

從小熱愛天文的我,自然對月相功能情有獨鍾。Luna Magna剛推出時雖令我驚艷,但並未入手,只覺得錶盤整體佈局過於工整、略顯空虛!


隨著龍年到來,今年初Arnold & Son橫空出世這款限量的龍年Luna Magna,卻讓並不會刻意收藏生肖錶的我完全折服。雕工細緻而不失粗獷的一條東方金龍蜿蜒橫亙於錶盤上,以玫瑰金和罕見的彩色彼得石組成3D月相,則變身為一顆璀璨的龍珠。橫看豎看,這都是一件頂級的藝術大作。




Since the advent of Digital Age, the Renaissance of mechanical watches is nothing short of a resounding spectacle rooted, at least partially, with people’s sentimentality and love for artifacts. Among all sorts of horological complications, though not quite practical, moonphase could be considered as the most poetic function which vehemently stimulates one’s tender sentiments. Between the classical humanoid face and realistic portrait of a cratered surface, there have been many different iterations of the moonphase. 


The Luna Magna by Arnold & Son first released in 2021, however, was quite a revelation resulting from the totally new movement design. Instead of a flat disc, the moon is rendered in a rotating 3D-sphere made of two different materials, i.e. precious metals and/or stones with contrasting colors.


Being fond of star gazing since little, I naturally developed a peculiar interest in moonphase as a watch collector. The “Year of the Dragon” Luna Magna in particular stirred up deep emotions in me when first released early this year. Though not a fan of zodiac motifs in general, I appreciate very much of the sheer beauty of its design language and the masterful craftsmanship showcasing the gold engraving of a most awesome dragon! The contrast of red gold with the iridescent pietersite which covers the dial and made up half of the moon, is mesmerizing and otherworldly.


ARNOLD & Son - LUNA MAGNA - 1LMAR.Z03A.C262R - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的Sentimental Watch

ARNOLD & Son - LUNA MAGNA - 1LMAR.Z03A.C262R - IG影響力人物:樊慰慈的Sentimental Watch

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