23 NOV. 2022

IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的收藏風格

23 NOV. 2022
CARTIER - TANK - WGTA0057 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的收藏風格

將腕錶戴上手,展示的不只是一枚配件,同時也展露了一部份的自我,包含個性、品味,以及你對腕錶收藏的看法見解。特別企劃【TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your collecting style? 】以錶會友,邀請43位鐘錶藏家分享他的收藏風格,以及收藏裡最具代表性的錶款。43位藏家的43種答案,都是收藏歷程的真實體會。


Alvin Chong/@watchrology





I mostly collect modern watches, and I especially love modern watches that follow vintage aesthetics. This is because you get the best of both worlds - the solid and fuss - free build quality together with old-school charm.

I consider vintage watches to be from before the 1970s and that is a field that I am still not comfortable in venturing due to the sheer amount of inaccurate and vague information out there on those pieces. One day perhaps! 




CARTIER - TANK - WGTA0057 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的收藏風格

CARTIER 100th Anniversary Tank Cintrée 玫瑰金/錶徑46.3x23mm/9780 MC機芯

The Tank Cintrée is a watch that I’ve always been infatuated with due to its seamless and elegant case curvature. When I heard that there is going to be a 100th Anniversary edition of the watch to celebrate the Tank Cintrée’s centenary, I jumped on it immediately. 


我一直非常迷戀卡地亞的Tank Cintrée,因為它擁有完美而優雅的錶殼曲線。當聽說Tank Cintrée問世一百年將要推出100週年的紀念錶款的時候,我開心到立刻跳起來。


The watch successfully replicates some of the very endearing details of the early Tank Cintrées, such as the thin elongated Roman numerals, the elongated chemin de fer (minute track) and the use of the "IV" instead of the modern watchmaker’s "IIII". Even the "Swiss Made" has been omitted from the dial to keep it aligned with the vintage look. 


This piece is a great example of what I mentioned earlier - a modern piece with an ineffable classical allure. 


這款紀念腕錶成功地還原了Tank Cintrées原創款的一些非常討人喜歡的細節,包括纖細的長型羅馬數字時標、拉長的chemin de fer(軌道式分鐘刻度),以及使用古典的「IV」取代現代錶款常用的「IIII」。甚至還省略了錶盤上「Swiss Made」字樣,確保這只紀念腕錶的外型設計完美重現原創錶款的經典樣貌。誠如我先前提到具有迷人古典魅力的現代腕錶,這就是最完美的典範。


CARTIER - TANK - WGTA0057 - IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的收藏風格


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