21 DEC. 2024

IG影響力人物:Chester Pan 的年度最愛

21 DEC. 2024
PATEK PHILIPPE - GRAND COMPLICATIONS - 5236P-010 - IG影響力人物:Chester Pan 的年度最愛

歲末年終,免不了回顧盤點、省思總結;諸如年度排行、年度代表字等,更是蔚為話題。科技時代我們運用數據,理性分析特定主題的增減趨勢;但手腕上的收藏,永遠出自本心,值得感性對待。本期特別企劃【My Watch of the Year! 影響力人物的年度最愛 】(Top Influencers, what is your favorite watch of the year? ) 邀請藏家們介紹今年的最愛收藏,分享他們在腕錶以及人生的旅程,如何以時計銘刻時光。


Chester Pan

碳基鐘錶迷|宇宙宅宅|討厭IG廣告|對wait list深惡痛絕




So, while this is not a watch in my collection it is still one of if not my favorite watches from 2024’s release by all brands (bias ensues of course).


A stroke, anglage, or a name should invoke emotions in this little hobby of ours and the “Pastorale II” by master watch maker QinGan definitely checks all boxes. I was fortunate to have spent a few days with one of the three prototypes, in this case the gold on gold that sadly won’t be in the series' regular production.




一筆線條、一道倒角或是一個名稱,在我們這個小小的愛好裡,都應該能激起內心的情感,而大師級製錶師秦干製作的「Pastorale II」無疑滿足了這一切。我有幸能與三只原型錶的其中一款共度幾天的時光,這是一款黃金錶盤搭配黃金錶殼的錶,可惜的是它並不會成為常規款式。


PATEK PHILIPPE - GRAND COMPLICATIONS - 5236P-010 - IG影響力人物:Chester Pan 的年度最愛

秦干(Qin Gan)Pastorale II prototype 黃金 / 錶徑 38.5mm / 手上鍊機芯

Imagine yourself as a traveller in the North-Western part of China in early Autumn, a warm breeze blowing through your hair as you are having a stroll amongst the wheat fields at golden hour. The light is just right casting a warm glow onto everything it touches. Farmers working tirelessly harvesting with a smile on their face knowing it is another fruitful year! Some well/ weathered blue trucks running along the paved asphalt fully-loaded with the newly harvest moving towards their destination. This is how the gold on gold combo makes me feel.


想像一下你正於初秋時分的中國西北地區旅行,漫步於黃昏的麥田中,暖和的微風輕拂過你的髮絲,光線恰到好處地為所觸及的一切事物折射出溫暖的光芒。農民們不知疲倦地收割,臉上掛著笑容,知道這又是豐收的一年!幾輛完好或褪色的藍色卡車滿載著新收穫的作物,沿著鋪好的柏油路駛向目的地。這就是這只gold on gold錶款帶給我的感覺。


PATEK PHILIPPE - GRAND COMPLICATIONS - 5236P-010 - IG影響力人物:Chester Pan 的年度最愛


It is needless for me to tell you how the dial is milled from a single piece of material along with the pins. How the cnc hard engraved enamel indices/chapters/signature (Yes, had engraved would be sexier but at that with? Come on...... let’s be reasonable) are perfect. How the movement finished to the highest quality by modern day standard, while architecturally is a love letter to a long line of master watchmakers of yesteryear.


How QinGan got his training the old school way, being his father’s apprentice starting from restoring clocks and pocket watches. No, you don’t need me to tell you all these, all these are information you can get online. I am just going you the emotional aspect of the watch gave me when I wore it. I am very proud of our people of how far we have come in terms of watch making and manufacturing capability (no region lock, Chinese as an ethnic group).


So here it is the “Pastorale II”.


不必多說錶盤連同指針如何由單一材質切割成型, CNC雕刻琺瑯時標、刻度環、簽名又是多麼完美(雖然手工雕刻確實會更有魅力,但⋯別這樣,我們要實際一點);機芯達到了當代標準下的最高工藝水平,結構上卻可謂一封寫給昔日製錶大師的情書。至於秦干是如何接受老派的傳統訓練,作為他父親的學徒、從修復時鐘與懷錶起步,這些都不需要我來告訴你,這都是能在網路找到的資訊。我只是與你分享當我戴上這只錶時,它所帶給我的感性體驗。我為我們在製錶與自製水準上的進步感到自豪(不分國籍地區,華人本一家)。


這就是「Pastorale II」。

PATEK PHILIPPE - GRAND COMPLICATIONS - 5236P-010 - IG影響力人物:Chester Pan 的年度最愛

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