14 APR. 2023

IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格

14 APR. 2023
IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格

將腕錶戴上手,展示的不只是一枚配件,同時也展露了一部份的自我,包含個性、品味,以及你對腕錶收藏的看法見解。特別企劃【TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your collecting style? 】以錶會友,邀請43位鐘錶藏家分享他的收藏風格,以及收藏裡最具代表性的錶款。43位藏家的43種答案,都是收藏歷程的真實體會。


Conrad Bauer/@embezeled

我是來自美國的鐘錶愛好者,現居台北,從2019年開始了我的收藏歷程。一路上透過發掘不同的獨立製錶品牌並且結識同好,體驗著一段美好的旅程。(photo by Kevin Lo)


IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格




I mainly hunt for contemporary small-batch microbrand releases. The scope of many of these companies often limits their production capacity, which means a savvy collector can obtain low-volume niche pieces which offer a taste of the exclusivity at a fraction of the prices of similarly rare pieces from upmarket brands that usually come with long waitlists or high secondary market prices.


Unlike heritage brands that continue to update and release the same fifty year-old flagship models, what’s most exciting about microbrands is that in a crowded market it takes real ingenuity to conceive and produce a handsomely-designed and well-built watch at a price point that remains accessible.




IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格

HALIOS Universa 不鏽鋼/ 錶徑38mm / SW210-1 機芯

IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格


While new microbrand releases pop up seemingly every week, my favorite to this day remains the Halios Universa, a watch that finally came to market in 2021 after being announced at the Windup Watch Fair in 2019. Of all microbrands, pieces from the Vancouver-based Halios are perhaps most notorious for being difficult to obtain, as besides for the limited quantities and extended delays in release already mentioned, Halios has lately been moving away from time-specific drops on their website and more towards lotteries and random announcements on social media channels like Discord and Instagram Stories.


The Vancouver-based brand is most well-known for divers like the Seaforth that are not only robust but also aesthetically pleasing in their proportions, symmetry and legibility. However, the Universa is their most versatile release to date. With a fixed bezel and a pared-down 38mm size it ranges more towards field-watch territory, and if you take off its sturdy and cleverly-designed bracelet and put it on a nice leather strap, it could easily serve its owner in dressier situations as well. Even better, all this will run you about 0. In a market of increasingly inflated watch prices, justified or not, you would be hard-pressed to find a watch offering similar value at any price tier.


雖然市場上持續有微品牌作品推出,不過我最喜愛的還是Halios在2019年Windup Watch Fair發佈,直到2021年才正式上市的Universa。來自加拿大溫哥華的微品牌Halios,錶款是出了名的難買,除了因為產量稀少和上市延宕之外,最近更經常在Discord和Instagram的Stories等社群平台上,舉辦抽選購買以及不定時發佈新品。




IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格

IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格


IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格

IG影響力人物:Conrad Bauer的收藏風格
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