28 JUN. 2024

IG影響力人物:Joe Chiang的Sentimental Watch

28 JUN. 2024
AUDEMARS PIGUET - IG影響力人物:Joe Chiang的Sentimental Watch

價格是品牌制定,價值則是由自己衡量。此次我們讓腕錶回歸情感聯繫的物件本質,它為何惹你情牽?如何引你心繫?心境流轉、人生歷程,HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.5的特別企劃:【達人最愛的情感代「錶」】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your sentimental watch?)19位鐘錶藏家分享他的sentimental watch,以及背後的心動故事。


Joe Chiang / @biaoist


因為Tom Ford的一句話:“A watch should be discreet.”我買了我的第一只錶;後來開了@biaoist IG帳號、舉辦RedbarTaiwan錶聚,希望能與更多的錶友交流




我的鉭金屬愛彼皇家橡樹Nick Faldo高爾夫球冠軍紀念手錶,型號56175TT是我最Sentimental的手錶,因為它的故事與我的母親和我父親熱愛的高爾夫息息相關。


AUDEMARS PIGUET - IG影響力人物:Joe Chiang的Sentimental Watch

AUDEMARS PIGUET Royal Oak Ref.56175TT 錶款資訊/鉭金屬/錶徑33mm/2612機芯

我以前一直都對愛彼錶很無感,一直到我第一次走進愛彼的專賣店試戴皇家橡樹後,自此我就對它念念不忘。後來上網做做功課就覺得這支AP的手錶在設計跟故事很特別。因錶背刻有「CHAMPIONSHIP」的字樣,故稱為AP冠軍錶。這是為了紀念Sir Nick Faldo在1990年贏得兩場高爾夫大滿貫比賽(名人賽跟英國公開賽)。在設計上,它也是AP皇家橡樹少用的鉭鋼材質以及超薄錶殼。 






My bi-metal Tantalum Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Nick Faldo Golf Champion Watch Reference 56175TT is my most sentimental watch because its story is closely related to my mother and my father’s love for golf.


I had always been indifferent to Audemars Piguet watches until the first time I walked into an Audemars Piguet boutique and tried on the Royal Oak. Since then, I have been obsessed with it. After doing some research on the Internet, I felt that the design and story of this AP watch were very special. The word "CHAMPIONSHIP" is engraved on the back of the watch, earning it the title of the AP Championship watch. This commemorates Sir Nick Faldo's victory in two major golf tournaments (the Masters and the British Open) in 1990. In terms of design, it also features the less commonly used tantalum material of the AP Royal Oak and an ultra-thin case.


AUDEMARS PIGUET - IG影響力人物:Joe Chiang的Sentimental Watch


For me, this watch represents my mother because she knew that I had been searching for this watch for a long time, and it suddenly appeared in front of me during the darkest moment of my life. I think it was my mother who guided me because this watch is co-branded with a golf champion, and my father loves to play golf. I believe she wanted to say to me: "My son, I've helped you find this watch. It's time you started learning to play golf to spend time with your dad, peace!".


AUDEMARS PIGUET - IG影響力人物:Joe Chiang的Sentimental Watch

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