5 JUL. 2023


5 JUL. 2023
A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 297.021 - IG影響力人物:Raymond最愛的新收藏

在鐘錶社群平台上,NWA這個縮寫指的是:New Watch Alert,新錶通知。之於錶迷藏家,是敬告諸位親朋好友:這是我最新的敗家成果、我有新收藏入手了!HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.3的特別企劃【達人最愛的新收藏】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your favorite NWA?),邀請藏家朋友與我們分享近期入手的新收藏,關於收藏的喜悅,就由同樣身為錶迷的你我一起分享。


Raymond / @clueless_collector

我是 Raymond,在新加坡出生和長大,自2001年起在美國定居。我是一名半導體工程總監,從青少年的時候就喜歡錶,2013年開始認真地收藏腕錶。




First of all, I have a few favorite watches so this is a really tough choice but if I have to choose one, I think it is the 1815 YG Homage to Walter Lange Ref 297.021, with a special caliber L1924.


The reason I chose this is because of the watch has a sentimental value, paying respect to an important person, Herr Walter Lange, who revived the brand. We all knew his passing during the 2017 SIHH and the team finally decided to make a watch that he always wanted even if it doesn’t make any financial sense.


首先要聲明,我的手錶收藏裡有不少最愛, 所以要挑選一只喜歡的錶真是非常艱難的選擇。但如果必須做出選擇,我會挑選朗格黃金材質的1815 Homage to Walter Lange Ref. 297.021,搭載特別打造的L1924機芯。


我之所以選擇它,是基於這款錶背後的情感聯繫,它致敬了復興朗格的重要人物Herr Walter Lange,而我們都知道他在2017年SIHH 期間離世。品牌團隊不基於任何商業考量,決定製作一款他一直想要的手錶。


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 297.021 - IG影響力人物:Raymond最愛的新收藏

A. LANGE & SÖHNE 1815 "Homage to Walter Lange" 297.021 黃金 / 錶徑 40.5mm / L1924 機芯

On the morning of Dec 7th 2017, I woke up and as usual, started to read watch blogs and saw the news of the release, I called my boutique immediately to express my interest. They had no info yet and thought I was referring to the 1815 small seconds. They were still pleasantly surprised I knew about the watch before them.




I picked the YG version because most collectors knew Walter Lange wears YG so I felt it was the right choice of the 3 metals. The movement is unbelievably unique and beautiful and you will not be able to tell from the front of the watch.

The function is subtle but meaningful, combines the simplicity and complexity. This is why l love this watch, its inner beauty, movement architecture and finishes.


大多數藏家都知道Walter Lange配戴黃金材質錶款,所以在三種材質之中,黃金自然成為我的最佳選擇。它的機芯令人難以置信地獨特又美麗,而且這份美麗是無法從腕錶的正面感受到的。




A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 297.021 - IG影響力人物:Raymond最愛的新收藏


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 297.021 - IG影響力人物:Raymond最愛的新收藏


A. LANGE & SÖHNE - 1815 - 297.021 - IG影響力人物:Raymond最愛的新收藏

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