22 JUN. 2023

IG影響力人物:Winston Koo最愛的新收藏

22 JUN. 2023
URWERK - SATELLITE - UR-220 ALL BLACK - IG影響力人物:Winston Koo最愛的新收藏

在鐘錶社群平台上,NWA這個縮寫指的是:New Watch Alert,新錶通知。之於錶迷藏家,是敬告諸位親朋好友:這是我最新的敗家成果、我有新收藏入手了!HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.3的特別企劃【達人最愛的新收藏】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your favorite NWA?),邀請藏家朋友與我們分享近期入手的新收藏,關於收藏的喜悅,就由同樣身為錶迷的你我一起分享。


Winston Koo / @wwkoo





My favorite watch within my humble collection would be the Urwerk UR-220 SL Asimov.


在我的收藏裡,我最喜歡的錶是URWERK UR-220 SL Asimov。


URWERK - SATELLITE - UR-220 ALL BLACK - IG影響力人物:Winston Koo最愛的新收藏

URWERK UR-220 SL Asimov Carbon CTP 碳纖維複合材質 / 錶徑 43.8x53.6mm / UR-7.20機芯

The anecdote behind this storied watch started in the Spring of 2019 over lunch with 2 of my favorite people in the watch industry: Ms. Piano Chow (Boss-lady and proprietor of Lavish Attic & Lavish Loft in Hong Kong) and Master Watchmaker extraordinaire Mr. Felix Baumgartner (unfortunately my favorite watch designer Martin Frei didn't make it out to HK that trip).


As I was admiring the newly released UR-111C, I asked Felix about the use of alternative materials in watchmaking and if Urwerk may explore and venture into that area. With a knowing smile and a twinkle in his eye he told me: "You'll have to wait a little while longer for that, but we do have something very special in the works coming..."


這款傳奇手錶背後的趣聞始於2019年春季, 當時我與鐘錶界內兩位我最喜歡的人物共進午餐,分別是Piano Chow 女士(香港Lavish Attic & Lavish Loft的老闆娘兼經營者)和傳奇製錶大師Felix Baumgartner(不巧的是, 那趟旅程中我最喜愛的腕錶設計師 Martin Frei 無法前往香港)。我在欣賞新發佈的UR- 111C時,向Felix問及有關製錶業內採用替代物料的做法,以及URWERK會不會探索並涉足該領域。他會心一笑,眼裡閃爍著光芒,並告訴我:「對於那個,你得再等一陣子,不過我們的確有一些非常特別的作品即將推出⋯⋯」


Fast forward to the next year in the autumn of 2020 when the world was still wrapped tightly in the grips of COVID-19 and global travel for business, pleasure, or otherwise was at a standstill, watch previews were held on Zoom and releases announced via the internet on social media platforms.


Over the summer, Urwerk shared the news of the release of the final edition of the iconic UR- 210 model and the arrival of its successor the UR-220. Lo and behold, the new UR-220 model would be made in 81 ultra-thin layers of high- resistance 150g CTP carbon, just as Felix had hinted in our previous meeting over a year ago.




During my preview with the brand and the previewing of the UR-220 amongst other models, I politely asked the question about the lume intensity of the piece and wondered may there be options to explore and allow the piece to have a longer duration of lume, as it tends to last for a few hours and not throughout the night.




I asked this question not as a challenge, but from a user's standpoint, because I don't keep any mobile devices around me at night and rely solely on my watch to tell time; the added luminescent period would greatly enhance my user experience. Whilst the amazing people at the Zoom presentation meeting didn't give me an answer there and then, I knew that it ignited a spark with Felix, Martin, and their team to give this question a closer look.


我問這個問題不是想挑戰他們,而是出於使用者的角度而問,因為我在晚上通常不會帶任何行動裝置,只靠腕錶看時間;增加發光時間會大大提升我的使用體驗。雖然在Zoom發表會上他們沒有當場給予我答案, 但我知道這點燃了Felix、Martin和他們團隊的火花,讓他們深入研究起這個問題。


It was after a few months, where I believe the UR-220 Asimov was introduced to the world of horology. And without a doubt, it was a piece of horological wonder that I wanted very much. I also gained a whole new level of respect and admiration for the great and creative minds at Urwerk who were intrigued enough by my question to come up with an out-of-this-world cool solution by replacing the wandering-hour rotating cubes with blocks of Super-LumiNova Grade X1 BL, a material that was developed by a Swiss company RC Tritec, a specialist in phosphorescent pigments.


大約幾個月後,UR-220 Asimov在鐘錶界面世了。毫無疑問地,這是我非常想得到的一款傳奇腕錶。我也更加尊重和佩服URWERK 偉大且富有創造力的頭腦,他們對我的問題很感興趣,於是想出了一個酷出天際的解決方案,藉由Super-LumiNova Grade X1 BL 方塊取代漫遊時間轉頭,這是一種由瑞士夜光物料專家RC Tritec公司開發的物料。


How can one not admire the extraordinary "can- do" spirit and solution-oriented minds behind this amazing watch company?




URWERK - SATELLITE - UR-220 ALL BLACK - IG影響力人物:Winston Koo最愛的新收藏

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