30 JUN. 2024


30 JUN. 2024
FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo

你想來點正能量嗎?以"Good Vibes Only"為座右銘的香港鐘錶社群Watch Ho & Co.,不僅是交流知識與資訊的地方,更是一個充滿歡樂和驚喜的社群。


WH&C每次錶聚都充滿笑聲,精彩的分享交流、引人入勝的主題,另外做為活動的完美ending,再以獨特的Wrist Roll方式展示手錶,每每成為社群瘋狂轉發的話題。在他們滿一週年之際,我們邀請到創辦人Jackie Ho難得正經,回答錶迷朋友們想知道的關於WH&C的一切。


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo
香港鐘錶社群Watch Ho & Co.創立僅一年,已經舉辦多場實體錶聚,凝聚香港本地以及亞洲、歐洲等地區的錶迷 。IG帳號:@WatchHoandCo

Watch Ho & Co.

FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo



Dixon Chin:一位熱愛生活的愛好者, 熱衷於鐘錶收藏,堅信「我的錶,我的選擇」,同時喜歡搭配一杯美酒或一根古巴雪茄!


Jackie Ho:IG上人稱@Watch.Ho,曾經自稱是古董勞力士的癡迷者,現在轉變為獨立和Neo-Vintage愛好者。他的使命是喚醒每個人心中的 Watch Ho精神!


Clarence Cheung:許多人不知道他是Watch Ho & Co.的背後推手, Clarence的收藏旅程始於在越南從事房地產工作時接觸到的HUBLOT。現在的收藏主要是愛彼,但對鏤空錶、陶瓷材質或帶有樂趣的腕錶也有廣泛的興趣。




Q1: 請告訴我們Watch Ho & Co. 的起源和創立目標?目前你們有多少成員,大多數來自哪些國家或地區?


A: Watch Ho & Co., founded in May 2022 by three passionate Hong Kong watch collectors Jackie Ho (@watch.ho), Clarence Cheung (@narfy1217) and Dixon Chin (@dxn_ch), is a club dedicated to fostering a fun, inclusive community that celebrates the art of horology. With a "Good Vibes Only" motto, the club provides a safe space for enthusiasts of all backgrounds to mingle, share knowledge, and deepen their connections around their shared love of watches. Through diverse events and a commitment to cultivating an environment of mutual respect, WH&C has established itself as a vibrant hub for watch collectors to explore their passion and build meaningful relationships within the dynamic world of watchmaking.


Currently, WH&C has over 200 members, the majority of whom are based in Hong Kong. However, the club also has a growing number of members from other parts of Asia, as well as some international members from Europe, North America, and the Middle East.


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


Watch Ho & Co.成立於2022年5月,由三位熱愛鐘錶的香港收藏家Jackie Ho(@watch.ho)、Clarence Cheung(@narfy1217) 和Dixon Chin(@dxn_ch) 創辦。這個錶迷俱樂部致力於培養一個充滿樂趣和包容性的社群,並以"Good Vibes Only"為座右銘,為來自各個背景的愛好者提供一個安全的交流空間,共同分享鐘錶知識和深化彼此的連結。通過多樣的活動和對培育相互尊重環境的承諾,WH&C已經成為鐘錶收藏家探索熱情並建立有關係的活躍社群。目前WH&C擁有超過200名成員,主要分布在香港,但也有來自亞洲其他地區、歐洲、北美和中東的國際成員。


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


Q2: 你們的活動強調包容性和積極的氛圍。為什麼這對WH&C如此重要,你們如何確保這種環境的維持?


A:At WH&C, inclusivity and a positive atmosphere are core to our mission and values. The founders recognize the need for a community that welcomes enthusiasts of all backgrounds and experience levels. We strongly believe that by fostering an environment of mutual respect, open communication, and shared appreciation for horology, we can create meaningful connections and cultivate a vibrant, supportive community. This "Good Vibes Only" approach is central to everything we do, from our events to how we engage with members.


在WH&C,包容性和正能量氛圍是我們的核心使命和價值觀。創辦人認識到需要一個歡迎各種背景和經驗水平的愛好者的社群。我們堅信,通過培養相互尊重、開放交流和對鐘錶的共同欣賞的環境,我們可以建立有意義的連結並培育一個充滿活力、支持性的社群。這種"Good Vibes Only"的態度是我們所有活動和成員互動的核心。


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo

Good Vibes Only!

Q3: WH&C最近舉辦了一週年慶祝活動。這次慶祝活動的一些亮點是什麼?


A: Over 130 horological aficionados from across Asia, and as far afield as Dubai and Kazakhstan, converged to raise a glass to our momentous milestone. The electric energy in the room was palpable as longtime friends reconnected and new relationships blossomed over our shared passion for the art of watchmaking. However, the unequivocal highlight of the evening was the captivating panel discussion that took place. We were honored to host a veritable who's who of the independent watchmaking world, including the visionary Vianney Halter, the esteemed Ferdinand Berthoud, and the talented Chinese Indie watchmaker Logan Kuan Rao. These horological masters enthralled the audience with their insights, anecdotes, and unbridled passion for their craft, creating a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience.


來自亞洲各地,甚至是杜拜和哈薩克的130多名鐘錶愛好者齊聚一堂,共同慶祝我們的重要里程碑。當晚的氣氛異常熱烈,老朋友重逢,新關係在我們對製錶工藝藝術的共同熱愛中迅速建立。然而,當晚最高潮的無疑是引人入勝的座談。我們榮幸地邀請到獨立製錶界的頂尖人物,包括具前瞻性的Vianney Halter、備受尊敬的Ferdinand Berthoud和才華橫溢的中國獨立製錶師Logan Kuan Rao(饶宽)。這些鐘錶大師以他們的 洞見、趣聞和對工藝的熱情深深吸引了在場觀眾,帶來了一次真正難得的體驗。


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


Q4. 隨著 Instagram 等社交媒體平台的興起,你們是否注意到年輕鐘錶愛好者的偏好和趨勢有什麼變化?


A: We've observed a growing appreciation for independent and micro brands where you can forge close relationships with the brand and watchmaker. Vintage and neo-vintage styles are also increasingly popular, as younger collectors seek out distinctive designs with vintage charm. Furthermore, there is a heightened focus on macro photography and videography on the technical aspects of the movement and finishing.




FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


Q5. 你們計劃在未來12個月內如何發展WH&C?有沒有什麼令人興奮的項目或活動即將推出?是否計劃推出俱樂部腕錶?


A: As we look ahead, we are committed to continuing our tradition of bringing passionate collectors together through more unforgettable gatherings. We plan to host an array of enlightening talks, workshops, and immersive experiences that will further deepen our members' appreciation for haute horology.


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


One of our primary goals is to welcome even more like- minded enthusiasts into the WH&C family. By continuing to create inclusive, enriching opportunities to celebrate our shared passion, we hope to inspire others to join us on this incredible journey. The more voices we have, the richer our collective experience will become.


For our first club watch, we continue searching for the right brand partner. We want this timepiece to truly resonate with our members, which is why we've taken our time. Our focus remains on quality over quantity and we hope to deliver a singular, exceptional timepiece that embodies our club's spirit, rather than rushing out multiple collaborations for the sake of it.

Currently, we're in active discussions with promising brands and hope to share exciting news soon.


展望未來,我們致力於通過更多難忘的聚會將熱情的收藏家聚集在一起。我們計劃舉辦一系列富有啟發性的講座、工作坊和沉浸式體驗,進一步加深成員對高級鐘錶的欣賞。我們的主要目標之一是歡迎更多志同道合的愛好者加入WH&C的大家庭。通過不斷創造包容和豐 富的機會來慶祝我們的共同熱情,我們希望激勵更多人加入我們這段令人難以置信的旅程。我們的聲量越大,共同的集體經驗就會越豐富。


對於我們的第一款社群腕錶,我們仍在尋找合適的品牌合作夥伴。我們希望這款腕錶能真正引起成員的共鳴,這就是為什麼我們不急於推出。我們的重點是質量而非數量,我們希望提供一款 體現我們社群精神的獨特腕錶,而不是為了合作而推出多款。目前,我們正在與一些可能的品牌積極討論,希望很快能分享令人興奮的消息。


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo


FERDINAND BERTHOUD - CHRONOMÈTRE - FB 2T.1 - 想來點鐘錶正能量?你應該follow的錶迷社群@WatchHoandCo

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