31 JUL. 2019

IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo

31 JUL. 2019
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo








When did you open your IG account? and why?




I believe I started my IG account in mid-2013. It was originally just a way for me to share pictures of what I thought was aesthetically captivating with friends and family near and far.




What message would you want to convey through your post?




Instagram acts as a platform for me to share my passion for horology as well as learn more about the subject matter, but most importantly it's just a hobby and I try to keep it light and fun.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo



 Please choose one post that can represent your style.



Wow, can I choose two?

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
BLANCPAIN Milspec & Jumpan 



Which post(s) impressed you the most or which post has the most engagement rate? Is there any story behind?


以按讚數來說,是這張歐米茄PLANET OCEAN 600米同軸擒縱GMT的照片。它能引起共鳴,我想應該是因為拍攝的方式及光影的變化。


Based on most likes, it would be this Omega Planet Ocean 600 GMT. I think it resonated because of how the photo was taken, and the play on light off the watch.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




Engagement wise, it would be the mentioning of my interview featured in the Financial Times on Sep 2018. It was an honor to share my hobby with such a respectable and widely circulated newspaper.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo


至於我個人最喜歡的一篇貼文,則是這篇HYT H0 Black。我所有的照片,都是用iPhone拍的。這一張出乎我意料之外的好。


My personal favorite would be this post of the HYT H0 Black. All my pictures are taken on my iPhone and this one turned unexpectedly nicely.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




What do watches mean to your work or life?




I've always liked watches since I could remember, even before I could tell time and I’ve always worn watches. One would be hard-pressed to catch me ever not wearing one.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




What are your criteria in collecting watch?




Mechanical timepieces are the ones I enjoy and like. Aesthetically and design-wise it has to speak to me and evoke an emotion or sense of wonder. More often than not the watches I like tend to be black.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




Which watch brand is your favourite?


要只選一個是不可能的。有許多品牌都做得很棒,且有很吸引我的設計原素。從大品牌如愛彼、寶珀、積家、萬國和沛納海,到獨立製錶如 URWERK, Ressence, Singer-Reimagined, HYT.


It’s impossible to just pick one. There are so many brands that do an amazing job and have design elements that I’m drawn to. From the big brands: AP, Blancpain, JLC, IWC, Panerai & the independents: Urwerk, Ressence, Singer-Reimagined, HYT.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




Which is your favourite watch? Why?




I can't say that I have a favorite watch, but one that I’m most emotionally attached to would be the Blancpain Bathyscaphe Chronograph in black ceramic as that was the watch I happened to be wearing for the birth of my first two children.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo


若以美學來說,Urwerk 105-CT真很對我的味。在有榮幸和品牌的團隊見面、並了解他們設計和創作的發想過程之後,他們的作品體現的是超越想像力、創作力和人類大無畏的精神。


However aesthetically wise, the Urwerk 105-CT really speaks to me. Having had the honor of meeting the fine gentlemen behind this amazing brand and learning about their thought processes for design and creation, their creations represent something beyond imagination, creativity, and human audacity.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




Timepieces are an integral part of my life, so much so that I would always look at my watch for the time rather than rely on the iPhone. However, I do use the iPhone to synchronize my watch to the correct time once in a while.




In your opinion, what makes “a nice watch”?




Well thought-out and timeless design that is meticulously executed.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo



Which watch(es) do you usually wear?




I change what I wear with regularity. It really depends on my mood, the occasion, or the activity I’m doing. But saying so, there are instances that I will wear a piece for a protracted period of time.



Would you please share your first watch? Do you still have it?




It was a Mickey Mouse watch my parents got for me on my first visit to Disneyland in Los Angeles when I was a toddler and couldn’t even tell time. But I knew I wanted a watch when they let me choose what I wanted at the gift shop. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced it through the many moves during my life.



Please share the craziest watch that you have.




The word crazy sounds scary and has so many different connotations. For crazy in a good way, I find what HYT is doing to be absolutely phenomenal and thought-provoking. To create an entirely new system and method to discern time by hydromechanical mechanics is completely mind-blowing and awe-inspiring.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo




Which watch would you want to purchase next?




I would like to say that I don't have an immediate purchase in mind at the moment, but at the same time, there are truly many beautiful timepieces out there that are worthy to be collected. I guess I will cross that road when the right opportunity comes along.




Do you have a dream watch?




I believe for every collector, there's the ultimate piece or the crown jewel of their collection. To me, I think the notion of "the one" or "only watch" is quite elusive and narrowing. If I was ever forced to keep one watch, it would be a very utilitarian, functional, and reliable one (a Rolex can fit those criteria with ease). However, to be fortunate and lucky enough to engage in the world of horology and collect timepieces, variety is truly the spice of life. Wouldn't you agree?

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo



Do you have other hobby than watches?




Horology is truly a passion that I've had most of my life, but I've always nurtured my interest in films and books growing up. Nowadays, I enjoy practicing yoga as well as delving into the world of sneakers and toys as a pastime that I share with my children.

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo



If you only get to keep ONE watch in your collection, which one would you keep? Why?




That would really be a difficult choice. I do have my piece uniques and unicorns all ready to go should the day come that I need to make a run for it. LoL

URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo
URWERK - 105 - UR-105 CT MAVERICK Titanium - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的 @wwkoo


註:雖然 @wwkoo 的帳號為私人帳號,但他歡迎愛錶的朋友們按下 follow 鍵追蹤他。