11 JUN. 2019


11 JUN. 2019
OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis







2019年,我離開了WatchProSite,並和朋友共同創立了Luxe178.com,與數位雜誌Alphaluxe 合作,提供更深入且專業的風格與探討。


The year of 2019 is where I left WatchProSite and joined forces with friends to create Luxe178.com. The association with Alphaluxe, a web magazine, allows us to dig deeper on certain posts and offer a more professional styled looks.



When did you open your IG account? and why?




My Instagram account was opened on December 7, 2010, and I was only trying to see how digital media was doing. I started posting with some method only in 2014.



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What message would you want to convey through your post?




Nothing very serious. I want to share my view of watches and how they can be seen on a different angle. Of course, I want to perfect my photography skills and get an immediate feedback.



Please choose one post that can represent your style.




I don't think that I have a true style. I like pictures that show details and contains what I feel about the watch. Normally my posts contain pictures that have more contrast and a tad more of intensity. If one looks to my posts, most of the pictures are taken the early morning or late afternoon, because I normally use natural light and, being lazy, I take pictures on a patio that is a few meters from my home office.



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Which post(s) impressed you the most or which post has the most engagement rate? Is there any story behind?


IG 社群讓我印象最深刻之處,就是我仍然還在摸索,到底哪一種型態的照片能創造較多的互動量。一個有趣的例子,是一篇獲得 2885 個讚及26則留言的貼文。該張照片是在倉促之間拍下的,且沒有什麼編輯或後製;但令我訝異地,它是我最受歡迎的一張相片。


What impresses me more about the Instagram community is that I'm still trying to determine what type of pictures engages more. An interesting example is my most liked picture (around 2885 likes and 26 comments). I took this picture in a hurry, it carries very low post processing and, by my surprise, it is currently my main hit.

OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis





One point that I notice is, besides the fact that Omega Speedmaster watches attracts more hits, that there's no crystal clear rule to follow except that black and white pictures (I love B&W) get much less attention. Another point is that fancy/very expensive watches of other brands seems to receive much less attention.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis


上面這篇貼文,是積家的傑作Extreme Lab 2,但獲得的關注不高;大家幫忙想想,為什麼?

This post above, a wonderful Jaeger-LeCoultre Extreme Lab 2, got little attention. Go figure why?



What do watches mean to your work or life?




My work has nothing to do with watches (I work with computer technology), and to my personal life a mechanic watch means one of the few things in life that are truly permanent and it may pass to my descendants. We live in a world that almost nothing is created to last more than a few years (smartphones are my great example), and a mechanical watch may last "forever".


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis




What are your criterias in collecting watch?




I don't consider myself a watch collector but only as a person that appreciates the creation of watches. I'm very emotive about my watches, and this type of emotion makes me change my mind from time to time. I associate the watch with the overall experience and emotions that I had when I was acquiring it.



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Which watch brand is your favourite?


上面提到,我的想法常有變化。目前我最喜歡的品牌是歐米茄。歐米茄的腕錶使用許多新技術,同軸擒縱機芯尤其吸引我;我非常敬佩喬治 • 丹尼爾斯大師的這項創舉。


Currently (I told that I change my mind from time to time) my favorite brand is Omega. Omega is making watches that carries a lot of technology and the fact that they embraced the Co-Axial movement (I really admire the colossal work of George Daniels) attracts me very much.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis



Which is your favourite watch? Why?


我最喜歡的腕錶是歐米茄1957年三部曲當中的超霸60 週年紀念版。我有提到我太太也是位錶迷嗎?這只腕錶讓我們回憶起我們的歐米茄錶廠之旅。在前往瑞士比恩的錶廠參觀並訂錶時,歐米茄的總裁雷諾•艾許里曼先生對我說:挑一個號碼吧!於是我選了007,讓這只腕錶成了登月探險與詹姆士 • 龐德的結合;很難比這個更棒了。


My favorite watch is, by far, my Omega Speedmaster 1957 Trilogy. It brings great memories of our (did I told that my wife is also a watch aficionado?) visit the Omega factories in Bienne and the number, 007. Long story short, Raynald Aeschlimann said, pick a number and I choose the 007. It combines the Moon adventure with James Bond. Hard to be better than this.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis



In your opinion, what makes “a nice watch”?




A nice watch is hard to define but it should have a great movement, wears comfortably, and can be on the wrist no matter if you are running errands or on a formal dinner. This Omega Seamaster 1948 fits the bill.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis



Which watch(es) do you usually wear? 



I wear almost all of my pieces on a random rotation. Of course, I'm always casually dressed and this simplifies my selection process. 



Would you please share your first watch? Do you still have it?


我的第一只錶,是一只已經不在我手上的浪琴。我不記得它的款式型號,但我確定是一只浪琴。而在我擁有過的腕錶中,最老的一只是積家Amvox 1。它的設計很不錯,但我後來還是脫手了,因為它的老式機芯沒有日期快調功能。


My first watch was a long gone Longines. I don't remember the model but it was, for sure, a Longines. The oldest watch that I had was a Jaeger-LeCoultre Amvox 1. Nice design, but the old style movement (no quick set date) made me let it go.



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Please share the craziest watch that you have.




I consider the Omega Seamaster Bullhead as the craziest watch that I have. No idea about what Omega was thinking when they design the Bullhead but it falls into the "ugly-nice" category.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis



Which watch would you want to purchase next? Why?


我不確定下一只錶會是什麼。有可能會是阿波羅11 號超霸登月50 週年,但誰知道呢?希望它儘快到貨。


I'm not sure about what will be my next watch. It may be the Apollo 11 Speedmaster 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing, but who knows?I hope that it arrives soon.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis



Do you have a dream watch?




Yes, I have and I'm trying to make it doable. It will be a something like this one but in white gold, a 1/3 limited edition. It was to be a 1/1 but Omega asked to produce two more and I agree.




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Do you have other hobby than watches?




Photography is my main hobby. I love to be able to capture time.



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If you only get to keep ONE watch in your collection, which one would you keep? Why?


歐米茄1957 三部曲之超霸。它適於各種配搭,而且夠低調,去哪裡都沒問題。


The Omega Speedmaster Trilogy. It goes well with anything and is discrete enough to go anywhere.



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Or the Omega De Ville Co-Axial from 1999. The first Omega Co-Axial. Limited Edition to 999 pieces.


OMEGA - SPEEDMASTER - 311. - IG名錶達人,你一定要follow的@nilomis