IG影響力人物:Alvin Chong的風格錶款
就好比Instagram、Facebook在建置個人檔案的時候都需要一枚頭像代表自己,如果現在要挑選一只能夠代表你的風格錶款,你會怎麼挑選呢?HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.4的特別企劃【達人的風格錶款】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your statement watch?),邀請藏家朋友分享屬於自己的statement watch,無論是人設形象、收藏路線、喜好立場⋯⋯Let's make a statement!
The Cloche de Cartier is a watch that is eccentric yet carries an undoubtedly classic appeal. I feel that this reflects my collecting style as I love to collect watches that are different from the norm but can still remain evergreen for the centuries to come.
Cloche de Cartier是一款古怪但無疑帶有經典魅力的腕錶。我覺得這反映了我的收藏風格,因為我喜歡收藏與眾不同、在未來幾個世紀卻仍經久不衰的腕錶。
CARTIER Cloche de Cartier 鉑金/錶徑37.15x28.75mm/1917 MC機芯/訂製款
The watch is also an embodiment of my personality as I tend to think, like and behave in ways that go against the grain. And, just like the Cloche de Cartier, I think that this quality is what others find endearing.
這款錶也是我個性的體現,因為我傾向於與眾不同的方式思考、喜好和行為。就像Cloche de Cartier一樣,我認為這種特質正是他人所喜愛的。
Ultimately, this watch is a statement piece as it encapsulates all that is good about Cartier; the whimsical but timeless designs that are centred on the play on shapes. As an enthusiast of Cartier and one who loves to spread my passion on its timepieces, the Cloche de Cartier is perhaps one of the best pieces in the Maison’s catalogue for me to make a statement to others on why Cartier is the bonafide “Watchmaker of Shapes”.
歸根究底,這款錶是CARTIER的代表作,因為它完美體現了CARTIER的所有優點——奇特而經典的設計、以玩轉形狀為核心。作為一名熱愛CARTIER並且熱衷於分享我的喜愛的人,Cloche de Cartier也許是品牌產品目錄中,能讓我向他人說明CARTIER為何是名副其實的「Watchmaker of Shapes」的最佳作品。
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