
在鐘錶社群平台上,NWA這個縮寫指的是:New Watch Alert,新錶通知。之於錶迷藏家,是敬告諸位親朋好友:這是我最新的敗家成果、我有新收藏入手了!HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.3的特別企劃【達人最愛的新收藏】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your favorite NWA?),邀請藏家朋友與我們分享近期入手的新收藏,關於收藏的喜悅,就由同樣身為錶迷的你我一起分享。
As a big James Bond fan I remember Sean Connery wearing a Submariner (Ref. 6538) back in 1962 in the first ever 007 movie "Dr. No". In the following James Bond movies he still kept wearing it and I realized how versatile and cool that watch as a daily beater actually is.
作為James Bond的忠實粉絲,我記得Sean Connery曾在1962年的第一部007電影《Dr. No》中佩戴過 Submariner(Ref. 6538)。 而在接下來的James Bond電影中,他也一直戴著它,讓我意識到這款錶作為日常配件來說是多麼百搭和帥氣。
ROLEX Submariner 114060 "No Date"不鏽鋼/錶徑40mm/3130機芯
It's a proper tool watch (dive watch), the case diameters of Submariners are between 39-41mm - I think 39-40mm is the perfect size. I feel very comfortable with the Sub on my wrist, no matter if I take it for a swim, even a deep dive or rocking it daily with a casual outfit. No need to mention when wearing a suit for special occasions or day to day business the Sub as the famous gentleman's 007 watch always sets a statement and the simple design of it always looks good. There's almost no need for a dress watch.
Since I wear the Submariner most of the time, it's my companion on most of my travels, among 2-3 other watches which I always randomly change. While being not a flashy or fancy timepiece it yet fulfills the daily beater requirements in sense of reliability, usability and the combination of sportiness and elegance. If I recall right the 114060 was the first Sub to be published with a ceramic bezel which makes it even more durable and reliable as a daily. I'm still on the hunt for 1-2 vintage Subs and GMTs though - let's see where this journey takes me to...
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