
就好比Instagram、Facebook在建置個人檔案的時候都需要一枚頭像代表自己,如果現在要挑選一只能夠代表你的風格錶款,你會怎麼挑選呢?HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.4的特別企劃【達人的風格錶款】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your statement watch?),邀請藏家朋友分享屬於自己的statement watch,無論是人設形象、收藏路線、喜好立場⋯⋯Let's make a statement!
The openworked design not only reveals the movement parts, it also highlights the sheer depth of the architecture and craftsmanship in watchmaking by Greubel Forsey. The animation of the two balance wheels and the 4-minute constant force mechanism makes it that much more interesting on the wrist. It’s often a conversation piece among friends whether they’re into watches or not.
錶款的鏤空設計不僅展示了機芯零件, 也突顯了GREUBEL FORSEY在製錶領域所創造的建築美學與精湛工藝的極致深度。兩個平衡擺輪的動態和4分鐘恆定動力機制使其戴在手腕上變得更加有趣,無論朋友是不是錶迷,它常常都會成為我們之間聊天的話題。