29 JUN. 2023


29 JUN. 2023
AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:@igwatchlover最愛的新收藏

在鐘錶社群平台上,NWA這個縮寫指的是:New Watch Alert,新錶通知。之於錶迷藏家,是敬告諸位親朋好友:這是我最新的敗家成果、我有新收藏入手了!HOROGUIDES雜誌Vol.3的特別企劃【達人最愛的新收藏】(TOP INFLUENCERS, what's your favorite NWA?),邀請藏家朋友與我們分享近期入手的新收藏,關於收藏的喜悅,就由同樣身為錶迷的你我一起分享。







Last year, the special AK06 was the second AK06 I purchased from Akrivia after meeting Rexhep Rexhepi, it is the craft of a passionate watchmaker who keeps improving. The finest in skills and finishing can even be perceived through the same watch model which has improved over the years, and that is the reason why I even had to get my hands on a second one.


去年,這支特別的AK 06是我與Rexhep Rexhepi相遇後,從AKRIVIA入手的第二支同型號款式。這款腕錶凝聚了這位充滿熱情且持續精進的製錶師的卓越工藝,透過兩支不同時期的AK 06,我能夠感受到多年來持續提升的最高水準技術和修飾,這些都是我再度入手的原因。


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:@igwatchlover最愛的新收藏

AKRIVIA AK 06 不鏽鋼/錶徑41mm/AK-06機芯


From the brush finishes to bevel edges to black polish and hammered-on surfaces, the timepiece, which sits nicely in a well-designed 41mm case, is a collective harmonisation of many finishing, technical and design skills of Rexhep Rexhepi. Combined with the symmetrical case and skeleton dial design makes a very appealing wrist watch. The watch itself also represents the improvement of the ones behind the creation. What had been communicated through their craft has represented the art of watchmaking at its prime and what makes the Akrivia AK06 a true sight to be seen in person, as well as to continue to look forward to what would be offered in the future.


從磨砂打磨到斜邊倒角、再到鏡面拋光和錘 鍛錶面,這款腕錶擁有精心設計的 41mm 錶殼,集合了 Rexhep Rexhepi 的多種打磨、技術和設計技巧。再加上對稱的錶殼和 鏤空的錶盤設計,使得這款腕錶極具吸引力。腕錶本身也展現了創作者們的精進,透 過他們的工藝呈現出鐘錶製作的最高水準, 使 AKRIVIA AK06 成為一件令人讚嘆的作品,同時也讓人更加期待未來的創作。


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:@igwatchlover最愛的新收藏

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