4 JUL. 2024


4 JUL. 2024
AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏

獨立製錶在近年的高級腕錶收藏界形成一股不可忽視的勢力,不僅透過社交平台強大的傳播力道建立與藏家的互動,更在國際拍賣市場展現絕佳行情。我們非常榮幸邀請到六位對獨立製錶充滿熱情的藏家分享珍貴收藏,並談談心目中的獨立製錶Holy Trinity與Rising Star。


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏







Q:我心目中獨立製錶界的Holy Trinity


My ‘Holy Trinity’ of independent watch brands are always changing, but for now, I’ll have to go with (in no particular order): 1. F.P. Journe、2. MB&F、3. Rexhep Rexhepi (Akrivia)


我心目中的獨立製錶三大品牌總是在變,但目前,我會選擇以下品牌(不分先後):F.P. Journe、MB&F、Rexhep Rexhepi




It is not easy at all to pick a favorite watch from my collection. However, the one I have found myself going back to again and again is the Akrivia AK-06. It’s an amazing timepiece that looks equally good on the dial side as well as the caseback. It wears perfectly on the wrist and goes really well with my outfits on most days. The finishing, while not the most important aspect to me, is generally considered to be among some of the best. The stunning dial is filled with many details which I enjoy looking at. I also love the steampunk vibes of the watch which really sold me on it. While there is no such thing as a perfect watch, this one certainly comes close to it.


要從收藏裡挑選一款最喜歡的錶絕非易事,然而,我發現自己一再佩戴的是Akrivia AK-06。這是一款令人讚嘆的腕錶,不論錶盤或是底蓋都同樣出色,它完美地貼合手腕,並且大多數時候都與我的服裝非常搭配。它的打磨工藝,雖然對我來說不是最重要的,但Akrivia的打磨向來被認為是業界數一數二的水準,迷人的錶盤充滿著我喜歡細細欣賞的各種細節。此外,我也喜歡這款錶的蒸氣龐克氣息,這正是我對它著迷的原因。雖然世界上沒有所謂的完美腕錶,但Akrivia AK-06絕對稱得上是趨於完美。


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏

AKRIVIA AK-06/不鏽鋼/錶徑41mm/手上鍊機芯

Q :我認為的獨立製錶明日之星


Staying with the Rexhepi family, my vote for one of the rising stars is Xhevdet Rexhepi. He announced his arrival with the Minute Inerte, a mechanical take on the Swiss railway clock which I am honestly intrigued by.


From my conversations with him, his main priority is to be disruptive but keeping the art of watchmaking fresh and relevant. It is my belief that he, along with many other young, hungry watchmakers continue to give us their unique interpretations of telling time. Watchmaking is in safe hands with these folks. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.


這個問題將持續關注Rexhepi家族,我心目中的後起之秀之一是Xhevdet Rexhepi。他以Minute Inerte宣佈了自己的出道,這是一款以瑞士鐵路時鐘為靈感的機械錶,老實說我對此很感興趣。從我與他的交流瞭解到,他的首要目標是顛覆傳統,同時維持與


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏


AKRIVIA - AKRIVIA - AK 06 - IG影響力人物:Ron最愛的獨立製錶收藏
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